Ch 604: Complicated Situation

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The sound of the snow crunching under her boots as Yelena made her way to her so-called leader. When she was finally an arm's reach from Talulah, Yelena stopped and stared at her. The snow was slowly falling on them as they stared at one another.

"Talulah," Yelena was the first to start the conversation, "I have something to tell you."

The leader of Reunion nodded at her, "I thought so. I too have something to say to you."

Yelena saw a single snowflake falling onto Tallulah's shoulder. It melted immediately when it came in contact with her body.

Seeing that she was ready to hear her out, Yelena told her first, "You can no longer give any battle-related missions to Dad."

"... I knew you would tell me this," Talulah hummed, "However, I never gave any order to go on missions for a while now. He was the one that willingly followed his troops on their mission."

Yelena's eyes widened hearing this. She thought about it and Yelena knew Talulah was not lying. This was something Dad would do. Dad's troops, the Shieldguards, were one of the strongest squads that Reunion had. It came as no surprise that they were usually given more dangerous missions. And from what she knew about her Dad, if his squadron was given a mission, he would also come along with them. No matter how sick he was, Dad would still go on a mission with them. He was their leader and that was his responsibility.

However, Yelena was not satisfied with this, "Then give the squad easier missions."

Talulah looked into FrostNova's eyes and asked, "Are you going against me now?"

"Don't change the subject Talulah. You know what I meant," FrostNova's eyes narrowed at her, "Answer the question."

Tallulah held her gaze with her. Then she folded her arms around herself.

"You have to understand, FrostNova. Patriot and his team already had easier missions compared to what they used to do. Most of the dangerous missions were given to other elite groups. That's why yours was given the mission to reclaim territory and not his. But there are limits to how I can do this," She explained, "In order for Reunion to survive and thrive in this cruel world, we need to work together. Everyone must play their part and Patriot's group did theirs."

Talulah sternly looked at FrostNova, "I know that Patriot is getting weaker, however, he is one of the most valuable operators that we have under us. We need him to do the more dangerous missions for the better of us."

After listening to Talulah's words, FrostNova's eyes narrowed a little, causing the surrounding temperature to decrease dramatically. The wind around them started to blow faster. The chilling feeling came from all directions. Before the sudden coldness, the sound of ice forming could be heard. White frosts could be seen creeping up on Tallulah's legs.

But before the frost could go any higher on her leg, they melted immediately.

"I didn't come to find you to fight," Talulah looked into FrostNova's eyes and said slowly, "I have emphasized this many times that if Infected can't work together, then there will be no place for us in this world. Even elderly-."

She stared at Talulah and did not say a word to her. After a while, she eased her Arts, making the surroundings normal again. Yelena knew it was a waste of time for both of them to fight right now. From the changes that she had these past months, Yelena was weaker than how she was before. This meant that she was weaker than Talulah now.

However, this was not staying for a long time though. She just needed a couple more weeks to get where she was before. Maybe she could even surpass that because of her not getting the side effects that bothered her for years.

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