Chapter 27: Look what you made me do

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Tine's POV

When Sarawat went downstairs into his study to make a call, I decided to head down to make some breakfast. While I wasn't sure what Sarawat was going to do, I was pretty sure that an empty stomach would only make him angrier.

I, for some reason, wasn't as angry as I thought I would be. May be because I was now too used to my father trying to fuck all the good things in my life or may be because things didn't bother me as much now that Sarawat was with me.

The shock of my life was waiting for me as I stepped out of the bedroom and saw a young boy strolling out of one of the guest rooms in just his boxers.

"What the fuck? Who are you?" I called out. Was this some crazy intruder who liked breaking into others houses?

"Oh hey! You must be Tine." He said.

Instead of running away from me or getting scared that he had been caught, the boy just smiled at me and started walking in my direction.

"Hey! Stop right there or I will call the police this instant. How did you even get into the house? You need to leave right now."

The boy laughed. "Are you really pointing your phone at me right now like its a gun?"

I looked down at my hands. Dammit.

"Whatever, you need to leave. You can't just break into other people's house like this."

He shook his head. "See, this is what happens when your brother doesn't even invite you at his own wedding or introduce you to his husband."

I squinted my eyes.

"I am Phukong — Sarawat's brother, in case my stand-offish brother never cared to mention my name or the fact that he has a brother. I came back from London late last night and didn't want to disturb you guys."

I looked at him closely. He did resemble Sarawat a little bit, but not enough.

"How do I know you are Phukong and not a crazy intruder?"

"Well, I look like Sarawat, but better, don't I?" He grinned.

I squinted by eye at this overconfident self. "No you don't"

"Hey! That's offensive!

Come on, do you really think anyone could just waltz into this house? Do you know my brother? Do you know the number of security guards outside and the secret security he has?"

"What do you mean secret security?"

"Secret security guards" The boy answered. "They are outside the home premises and around Wat, but you can never see them."

"Wait, I didn't know that...." I literally waltz into this house when I first met Sarawat and there was no security. "Hold on, thats not even true"

"It's true!" He looked around. "Where is Wat when you need him?

He's at the office working, isn't he? People say marriage can change a man but I don't think that applies to Wat."

Okay, he does seem to know Sarawat's behavior but that isn't that hard to guess by most people.

"How do I believe you are Phukong."

"Would you believe I am Sarawat's brother if I told you he was 14 when he last peed in bed?"


He laughed. "Kidding.... But also, am I?" He winked at me and started walking back to the guest room he came out of. "Hold on, let me just prove you who I am. Wat told me you are a lawyer and you clearly seems like the type of person who trusts paper more than people."

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