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"I can't locate him. THIS IS SEALED BY SOMEONE"

"What do you mean sealed by someone?" Jungkook asked confused

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"What do you mean sealed by someone?" Jungkook asked confused

" It's sealed with a spell " she said.

" By who"

" I don't know but are you sure he's a human? "

" A 101%, his family is also humans although the old lady know about our kind she also believe it's all a myth"

" But whoever did seal this is a powerful witch, I can't even sense their Coven"

" Well that was surprising. But there should be a loop hole right" Jungkook said

"There must be but we dont know who did this and when, I should at least know what kind of spell she or he used otherwise I cant do anything" she said

"I'll make sure I look into this matter, it can be a possible threat in the future and since we have a problem at hand this shouldn't be taken lightly"

" But whoever he is be careful around him, he might be unaware of us but someone around him really is aware, otherwise no one would've done that especially without the boy's knowledge "she said and Jungkook nodded with a frown.

" Anyways it's time for me to go, I have places to be" she said wearing her clothes in a hurry

" The usual woodoo classes? " Jungkook mocked

" Yup and do not forget about yesterday noon, so think before you run that mouth" she said and disappeared into thin air

Later Jungkook went downstairs to see off their guests.

"Jungkook please take care of my son, we do not like sending him away from our reach but we have to his safety, I trust you to take care of him" Seojun said, a father's desperation and worries in his voice

"I will Alpha dont worry" his voice held a firmness and finality, Seojun sighed in content that his only son will be taken care of

they all said their goodbyes hoping and wishing to meet soon in rather good circumstances next time.

"Joon, Kook" Min-kyu called

"Yes Appa" they both said in unison

"You know what to do, we dont have time to waste on" he said his whole demeanor changing into a dark one

"We are on it Appa, dont worry we'll find a way to stop them" Namjoon said

"You can go now" Min-kyu said and the others left.

Min-kyu swiftly fished out his phone dialing a number, just when the person attended the call

" It's time I need you here" he said and hung up after getting the confirmation

LUNAMOVAS (TAEKOOK, YOONMIN)Where stories live. Discover now