Chapter 2

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Remus's POV

Jessica looked a little upset after the prank James and Sirius pulled on Severus and left to her common room, I could see she didn't really want to be there at least not pranking him. James, Sirius, Peter and I were seated by the window in our dorm, I had Fantastic beasts and where to find them open in my lap as we shared a bag of candy Peter had brought with him from home.

"James?" I said letting out a shaky breath looking across to see him sitting on the edge of his bed looking at me telling me to continue. "Do you think your sister would take my condition as well as you did?" I spoke again after calming my breathing, he smiled softly before nodding his head.

"Jessica is the sweetest person, kindhearted unless you prank her of course, she doesn't care about anything except if your nice to her she's nice to you, it's more of an agreement with herself" he smiled before laughing, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Why you ask Moony?" He gave a questioning look before it clicked in his head. "Wait, Moony do you have a thing for my sister?" I saw a cheeky grin appear on his face before I felt my own face heat up, I shook my head.

"What n-no, I was just uh" I expressed quickly, James stood up walking over putting his hand on my shoulder before smiling.

"Look Moony you'd be great for Jessica but" He trailed off my smile faded knowing what he was going to say.

"It's my condition isn't it" I said quietly looking down at my hands before I heard James laugh, I looked up at him seeing he had a smile on his face, I was confused.

"Your monthly is not the problem Remus besides Jess wouldn't mind much she knows a whole bunch about Werewolf's and actually hates how they are portrayed" He shrugged his shoulders before scratching the back of his neck, I sighed feeling a little better that she didn't hate my kind but what could it be then.

"Then what could it be J?" I spoke confused.

"I kind of promised dad I wouldn't let any boys date her till 4th or 5th year" I looked up with a your kidding look, he laughed along with the other 2 in the room. "Why do you think that Ravenclaw boy last year got sent to the hospital wing after asking her out" he expressed at that Sirius laughed harder, I rolled my eyes sighing.

"Your kidding right?" I asked nervously, James shook his head slowly.

"I wish I was really I do, I made this promise at the platform before we even got on the train" I laughed punching him in the arm, he chuckled and smiled.

"Well, I guess I'll be getting to know Jessica for 1 or 2 years before admitting my feelings, when she asks why my exact words will be 'your brother', only if I have your permission of course James" I added at the end slowly looking at James his face fell before he shrugged walking back over to his bed.

"A promise is a promise Moony" He said again getting into his bed, I laughed before I caught Sirius Mocking James, I chuckled a little bit more before the rest of us made it to our own beds. "I give you permission Moony at least your not Sirius" I heard Sirius groan before seeing a pillow fly James's way, I laughed setting my book on the night stand before I turned off the lantern that was lighting the room and soon fell in a deep sleep.

Jessica's POV

I closed the book I was reading and walked back to my dorm seeing as not many people where in the common room anymore and it had gotten quite dark outside. I let out a breath sitting down on my bed, feeling as if someone else was in the room I slowly pulled my wand out turning around before sighing. "Veronica you are going to give me a heart attack, why wouldn't you make yourself known?" I said quietly seeing Andrea and Maeve Gudgeon were sleeping peacefully in their beds, Merlin how long was I down there. I let out a shaky breath and sat back down on my bed, she laughed before propping herself up on my headboard.

"You okay?" She said quietly, I fell back letting my back hit the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I think I like someone...." I said quietly running my hands over my face, Veronica practically jumped on me with excitement; Veronica is a very beautiful girl who could get any guy she wanted in this school but for some reason turns every single one of them down but let me tell you this girl loves gossip, so I can only imagine what she might be thinking.

"That's a good thing Jess, why do you look upset about it?" Veronica had gotten off me and let me sit up, I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders twirling a piece of my hair through my fingers.

"It may or may not be one of James's friends...."I spoke quietly looking up to see her smile bright as could be, it could theoretically blind you, my eyebrow rose confused.

"If I know James, he won't be mad at you for having a crush on his friend, unless it's Sirius please don't say it's him" She expressed with disgust, I giggled a little shaking my head, I felt my face heat up thinking about what he said earlier today, I could tell she was looking at me so I turned my head.

"I-it's Remus" I let out stuttering slightly letting out a shaky breath, her smile got bigger, I sat there not being able to hide the fact my face was red.

"Well, first things first you need to hang out with them more just so you can see how he acts you know" Veronica smiled I nodded before she continued "Let it flow from there if he doesn't like you for you Jess than he's not worth it, you got it Jess" She spoke softly, I smiled and nodded my head before she hugged me, I hugged her tighter.

"Thank you for being my best friend V" I expressed smiling, she hugged me tighter and nodded her head.

"I'll always be here for you Jess" I smiled and pulled away, she got up and went to her bed. "You'll sit with them at breakfast tomorrow okay" I nodded my head and giggle, before I became confused.

"Wait, what where you doing over here" I laughed before she turned around shrugging her shoulders.

"I guess you'll never know" She spoke in a spooky voice waving her hands around before she laid down in her bed, I laughed shaking my head; she probably just stole one of the books I have over here not that I mind. I laid my head down letting sleep take over me with a smile on my face.

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