Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Schemer in a momentum of awkwardness

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Just as how it had always been these days, a sense of awkwardness rang around the table as we all were gathered for supper.

While the Academy's Mess Hall was not a private place by all means, the silence that filled the entire area made it feel like it. Through the entirety of the meal, only the sound of utensils clinking together and what felt like an electric tension occupied the disturbing stillness.

It was dinner time for most of the students in the Academy, so it was not unusual for the hall to be populated. What was unusual, however, was the fact that the Crown Prince was dining here. Thus, even with the numerous number of people gradually filling up the tables out of curiosity at the rare spectacle, not a single sound can be heard for fear of disturbing the royal brat.

That was the case for the spectators. For those within the crown prince's table though, this was not the case.

A bite of the meal. Chew. A sip of the drink. Repeat.

This was basically how it was. No one dared strike a conversation. And this was probably because of the odd juxtaposition of our seats. While I am seated beside my brother, Myron, and Percival, directly in front of me was Cedric who was sat between Jamie and the heroine. Now that I notice, Viveca was apparently still not around. If she were here, I am pretty sure she would be miffed at the current sight in front of me and would not be able to keep the quiet.

The heroine was softly nibbling on her dinner but it did not escape my eyes the shy glances she was giving the prince and how she would have a slight blush every time she did. Seriously, it's as if she just had a built in blush switch in front of her that would go on and off every time she laid her eyes on Cedric. This was also noticed by Percival too who kept clenching his hand under the table so hard, his veins looked as if they were about to pop out. Jamie was focused on his meal, but occasionally he would glance at me and then at Cedric and sigh. Why was he being so adorable yet confusing? But amidst all the death glares and affectionate glances, Cedric was unbothered. He was leisurely eating his steak, playing ignorant to the situation around him.

Unable to stand the silence anymore (and probably reaching the point of annoyance), Myron sneered. "And to think that the crown prince would dine in the presence of his lowly subjects."

Surprisingly, Cedric who was easy to agitate just leisurely responded, "I do not see the reason as to why I should not. After all, my father always taught me that to learn the people's desires, I should be part of the people."

Did Cedric finally enroll in manner lessons? Or was he bonked in the head during practice today?

"Do you not think it is rather late of you to do this? Not once have I seen you before dining in the Academy's Mess Hall and you decided to go this evening?" Myron continued to prod as he stabbed at his steak harshly.

Cedric looked up and smiled. "I suppose that nothing is ever too late for anything. I believe in second chances, after all."

Myron was incredulous at his statement but so was I. What in the world caused him to change this much? Granted that his change was merely by his manner of speaking but politeness was never in Cedric's book ever. While sipping on my drink, I peeked at Jamie and tried to ask with my eyes what the heck was going on. Jamie, who was apparently more than happy to converse silently with me, also took a drink and signaled me a look that even he didn't know what was going on.

Cough. "As I was saying," Cedric put emphasis on his statement, catching the attention of everyone in the table. "I'm starting to see things in a social perspective."

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