Y/N's Betrayal...?

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Despite Tengen's excited remark about things 'getting more flashy', the group was still sitting in the same cave as before, mainly to check if any of the unconscious people had injuries, but also to help figure out how to get everyone out.

Y/N: "....So, what was that you said earlier-"

Tengen: "Shut up."

Y/N: ".....Where did you get these mice? And why are they so...swole?"

Tengen: "How normal people build muscle. Exercise, Training, Workouts. This shouldn't be difficult."

Y/N: "Doesn't answer my first question, but okay..."

MM1&2: "Muscle! Muscle! MUS-CLE!"

Y/N: "Now they're flexing...why do they have more muscle than me??"

Inosuke: "Hey?!? You guys do know that Worm Belt scattered through that hole and escaped, right?!"


Y/N: "Hm. Yeah, I forgot that was all you, wasn't it. Must've been the air that saved your wives."

Tengen: "First, praise and worship me!"

Y/N: (Now he's just ignoring me.)

Tengen: "We'll discuss the other thing later-"

Makio: "Lord Tengen! You have to go after it before it causes more carnage!"

Suma: "D-Don't worry about us! Please go!"

Y/N: "You're worrying too much."

Makio: "...What?"

Y/N: "I said you're worrying too much. The belt on its own isn't capable of too much. It only becomes a problem when it merges with it's original body. So there's not much to worry about."

Makio: "But people's lives are at stake! Why are you so hesitant to help them?!"

Y/N: (Because I really don't want to have to face her again.)

Tengen: "She's right. We need to go now, or else people might die. Whether you like it or not, we're going."

Y/N didn't reply, he only jumped up through to hole and stood to the side, watching as Inosuke and the still sleeping Zenitsu were thrown out before being followed by Tengen.

Tengen: "Come on boys! We're giving chase! Follow me!"

Despite Inosuke and Zenitsu running as fast as they could, Y/N and Tengen remained way ahead of them, even steadily gaining a bigger lead.

Tengen: "What's up with you?"

Y/N: ".....What do you mean?"

Tengen: "That. Your tone, demeanor, mannerisms, all of it has been slightly off since this morning. Ever since I mentioned an Upper Moon."

Y/N: "...So you caught that. Can't say I'm really surprised, I almost expected it. I wasn't very good at hiding it either."

Tengen: "Is there an Upper Rank Demon here?"

Y/N: "Yes. But you already knew that. And...that's not why."

Tengen: "Then what is it? Stop running around the damn truth and just say it."

Y/N: "Let's just say we didn't exactly leave on 'good terms'."

Tengen: "......Bad breakup?"

Y/N: "Not talking about it."

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