The Trial

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I was woken up the next morning to someone banging on my door. I growled in frustration still feeling a bit worn down after the whole induction ceremony. I pushed myself up out of my bed with a huff, "What?" I call out with a snappy attitude. I've never been much of a morning person. 

"Sorry Scarlett but today is the day of your trials—Alpha asked me to make sure you were dressed, fed and ready to go by the ten." Christa yelled back to me to through the door. I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of Noah as the memory of our heated kiss in his office raced through my mind. I shook my head and cleared my throat, "Alright give me a minute." I race around my room grabbing my training clothes and taking a quick shower. I don't care about how I look since I figure it's going to get messed up anyway. I through my hair up into a messy ponytail and make my way out of the room. Christa is leaning against the wall waiting for me patiently. 

It wasn't long before we were headed out to the designated location that Noah had given to Christa. I followed beside her absentmindedly thinking about how I wanted nothing more than to take up with Noah where we had left off yesterday. My wolf purred at the thought as well. I doubted that Noah felt anything deeply for me other than perhaps a deep annoyance but he obviously appreciated me physically—he'd made that perfectly clear. Christa clears her throat, "Uh, Scarlett?" 

I look toward her, "What?" 

"Did you hear what I said?" She asked with a raised brow. I felt myself blush, "Sorry I was spacing out—what did you say?" 

"I was trying to tell you that—" Before she could tell me whatever she had been trying to tell me we passed out of the trees into a similar clearing that we had been in during the induction ceremony. Except this time the weren't as many people but the people that were there were all tough looking males that exuded power. I swallowed hard when I found Noah standing with them talking about something. He stopped in the middle of whatever he was saying and looking over in our direction having scented me. I watched his eyes darken as they locked with mine and I felt my heart rate speed up. 

I looked away from him quickly feeling to exposed under his gaze for some reason. The group behind him seemed to be sizing me up as if trying to detect my threat level to them. I noticed a familiar face step up out of the group smirking in my direction, "Ah, so we were fated to meet again I see..." Thorton says teasingly before looking toward Christa and giving her a subtle head bow. I guess sense she was his Alpha's daughter she still earned his respect. 

"So what's going on? I thought I was doing The Trials today?" I question Noah as we stand before them. 

"You are, we are just waiting for the others to arrive." He says in an authoritative voice. For some reason it makes me feel a little lonely like he's become once again this untouchable person. I force my strange feelings away as the man I now recognized as Nadia's mate step into the clearing leading a group of women. I felt myself looking over them curiously when I spotted Gretchen and Delilah I found my lips turning down into a frown. 

"Ryder, so good of you to join us—" Thorton says almost mockingly. Ryder scowls at him but doesn't give him a response. Instead he turns he attention to Noah, "I've brought you the best from the Sigma class as you asked." Noah nodded his head and his eyes danced over the group. I felt myself hold back a growl when I notice the way the girls are basically undressing him with their eyes. He turns away from them and they start whispering to each other and giggling like a bunch of school girls. 

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