《chapter 12》

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Sorry I was gone my Internet suck like ass
And I feel like shit why did God give me a interverted triangle bodytype,damn I can't even look myself in the mirror.

Karl yelled out

Sapnap:HE IS OURS!

Jschlatt:and what are you going to do about it? 𝖼𝗋𝗒?

Sapnap:THATS IT!

sapnap was about to punch schlatt but quackity grabbed onto sapnap stopping him from doing it

Quackity:bab- sapnap!

Jschlatt:*smirks*how about let quackity decide who he loves more.

The three of them look at quackity,a moment of silence past..


Quackity looks at his two ex and his husband,Karl and sapnap looks at him with upset looked,meanwhile his husband stared at him with no expression on his face, quackity was getting overwhelmed and tears started to form from his eyes


Jschlatt:so~ who do you love more..?


Sapnap and Karl eyes widen as Karl tears up and he dropped down the floor as sapnap hold him
Sapnap also started to cry, and as schlatt looked at them laughing and then grabs quackity and kissed him on the cheek

He whispeared

~{meanwhile with the gods}

(My crus- my "friend" charatar jay)

Jay looks from above the clouds as he looks at the birds flow through the air and as the ducks swam in the pond

Jay:*smiles*what a lovely day.
He said happily

Jay the goddess of bravery,he was just minding his business intil he felt a tap on his shoulder he looks up and sees the goddess of kindness

Jay:hello cloud!
Jay said

Cloud:i-i..*smiles awkwardily*h-hi.

Cloud:goddess of bravery.

Jay:oh please just call me Jay.

Cloud:okay Jay..

Cloud:anyways what are you doin?

Jay:oh just watching the birds and ducks.

Cloud sat down next Jay for awhile intil the goddess of nature called out for them

Cloud:Sam is calling us.

Jay:welp we should go.

Jay stands up and grabs cloud's hand and they both rushed to Sam the goddess of nature

Cloud:Sam you called us?

Sam:..I see that theres a human in trouble, I need both of guys down to earth to help the poor human.

Cloud:what's the humans name?

Sam:his name is quackity, he's in a really sticky situation and I need you guys to help him.

{~❀𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑖𝑚❀~}••𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑏𝑢𝑟••Where stories live. Discover now