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There wasn't much Mandy could do, her hands were chained together behind her back, around a thick wooden pole and then attached to her ankles. She wouldn't be beaten, she had to look presentable for the ceremony, but that didn't stop the pack from beating Kris and Kat. The two pregnant wolves were stripped of their clothes and hung by their wrists as people came and threw things at them, hit them, even a few men kicked them, always ensuring that they aimed for their stomach.

It was mainly David's friends, the next head Alpha was a sadistic little shit that liked to taunt them. Telling them that when Kris goes into heat he's going to let each one of his Alpha friends knot her repeatedly and then they'd knot Kat when Kris passed out. The only one that would be safe would be Mandy, can't risk any true bloods that aren't his. The Alpha's wrists and ankles were raw and bleeding from how much she struggled to get free so she could help her pack mates.

Not everyone participated, more than once she saw some pups sneaking food to Kris and Kat. No one would come near Mandy, she was too feral at the moment. Scaring everyone that came too close with her loud growls. The other two had finally passed out, their bodies too weak to handle the torture they'd been enduring since they arrived almost 12 hours ago. The only thing that was keeping her sane was the hope that they would come for her. That they would find her headband and the trail of hair they left.

"How far away are we?" Kook asked, he's been on edge since they started this mission. He was hoping that they would have caught up to them by now, but they had to stop frequently for Jin. So they were about a week and a half behind.

"We have to take a more scenic route, we don't want to just march in there in broad daylight, that could get us killed."

Jungkook knew that Jimin was right, but that didn't stop the unease he's been feeling for days now, it was like his wolf was calling to Kat's and she was distressed in some way. "Something is wrong with Kat."

"Same with Kris, I don't know what but something is wrong."

Yoongi looked at Jimin with a sad face, they were just as worried about Mandy but since they weren't mated, they didn't have that bond. "I think we are getting close to Mandy's old house, her scent is really strong, even all these months later. I don't smell any other wolves either, so it's probably empty. Plus the trail of hair stopped a few miles back."

"Kat told us about a hidden tunnel under the furs, that's how they escaped when their old pack came to get them."

The oldest Alpha paused, "she built a getaway tunnel?"

Hobi grinned as he nodded his head, "she did, it's what saved them."

Joon sighed, Jin wasn't going to like this. He looked at his mate, "no, absolutely not."

"Jin," his Alpha pleaded. "You can't come with us, it's going to be a massive fight and you are majorly pupped. I can't risk you two, I'll be distracted and I could get hurt and then I wouldn't be able to protect you and yes before you start yelling at me I know you are capable, but your instinct to save our pup will take over. So please, just stay here."

"Fine, but when you kill that stupid fucking Alpha, howl and I'll come. I'm not leaving my pack alone."

David walked into the tent where Mandy was tied up and getting cleaned up for their mating ceremony. "Are you ready for tonight?"

"I'm ready to kill you, does that count?"

He glared at her, grabbing the hair at the top of her head, "if you don't participate in this ceremony and complete this mating, I will have every available male fuck those two right in front of you until they can't take it anymore."

"You are already going to do that anyway, I might as well try and kill you."

He smiled at her as he leaned down and rubbed his nose into her scent gland, it no longer smelled like lemons and cedar, just her apples. "No, I was only going to let my friends use them for ruts and when they were bored. They'd still ultimately be mine because who doesn't want an Omega and a Beta for their own, I'd have the whole set. But, if you don't cooperate, it will be so much worse for them. Do as I say, and I'll let them keep their pups."

"You are lying, there's no way your father would let that happen."

David shrugged, "he won't be Head forever, once I'm mated and you are pupped I can take over. So I can keep my word, but only if you cooperate. They haven't lost the pups yet, the healer just checked them out and the pups are still there. I might even let them get mated to someone else and keep their pups vs sending the pups to another pack. Wouldn't you like that, your two friends being able to see their pups grow up?"

He knew that was about the only thing that would make her do his bidding, he'd never let them get mated to someone else, those two were the only way he'd be able to control her, that is until a pup comes along. Then he can use that as his bargaining chip. "Fine, I won't kill you. But the minute I think you are lying or you don't hold up your end of the deal, I will rip your throat out and bathe in your blood."

"You can sure try, you are under the assumption that I'll allow you to be untied and not drugged. Cute, but sorely mistaken." Then he left, heading to speak to the healer. "Did you do it?"

The old healer looked up, "did I add a herb to make sure that your little Alpha toy would be docile and not realize what was going on while you forcibly mated and pupped her? Yes, I did. Now here, take this and go." She shoved the vial into his hands and slammed the door in his face.

My Beautiful Beta, Alpha loves youWhere stories live. Discover now