Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Hon, Jehika, Syd the Kid, Anna Banana, for making my summer one to remember.


I wake up, and rush to get out of bed.  I throw on some jeans, and a random shirt, which I think is blue.  I brush my teeth, and slow down a little to comb my hair.  I check my appearance in the mirror real quick, and decide that I look good enough.  I through on my Sperry's, and run down the stairs, 2 steps at a time.

"Honey, you're late." Mom says, and I nod in her general direction.  I grab the bagel sitting on the table and chug down some orange juice.

"Bye." I say, with a mouth full of food.

"Love you, honey!  Have a good day!" She shouts out after me, and I run dashing through the door.

I run to the car, and crank the engine.  It starts, and I back out of the driveway and head to school.


I run into school, and almost run into a few people.  I turn and shout "Sorry!" over my shoulder a few times, and when I turn around, I run smack into someone.

"Are you okay?" I ask, worry written across my face.  I wouldn't be so scared if I had run into anyone else, anyone but her.

Because things like this only happen in your worst nightmares.

Things like running smack into Julianna Right.


I feel dazed, like I was run over by the captain of the football team.

"Are you okay?" I hear a small voice say, and look right into the face of him.  The creases of his face are outlined with worry, and his eyebrows are drawn together.  He hit me so hard, I bounced off his stomach, providing me with the information that he has rock-hard abs.  Thus, leaving my mind blank.

I nod in his direction, and fumble around me for my books.

I keep my head down, and turn to walk away.

"Wait," a voice says, right as I start walking.  I turn back, and see Hunter standing there, holding a book out to me.  I grab it, and turn to walk away.

At last second, I turn back to him.  "Thanks." I say, and start walking as the bell rings.

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