Chapter Forty-Five

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Zuko in unconscious in his bed. Kali has his wrist in her hand and her other held over his palm where he touched something he shouldn't have. Not that they knew. It could have been her or Iroh that had opened that door. It could have been any of them that was infected by it. But it was Zuko and she is trying her best to take care of him, to heal him of his pain and suffering. Zuko groans as he wakes, though he is still afflicted by the poison. His eyes are wild as they look around, pained and unfocused s he suffers through the poison inflicted upon him. His eyes focus on Kali at his side and then he realises that she's touching his hands. He tries to pull away from her, to protect her from whatever is on his hand as she holds his wrist.

"It's okay," She tells him. "I haven't touched it" She assures him softly. "I'm purging your body of the poison" She adds, shifting slightly, so she is closer to him. "It will take me time" She counters and looks down at him sadly. "I'm sorry that I didn't see" He shakes his head. He didn't notice it until later either, how can he have expected her to see it either? And at least she is trying to help him instead of leaving him to die.

"Kali" He whispers and she leans down to kiss his forehead, lingering there a moment.

"You'll be okay" She whispers softly to him. "Just rest for me" His eyes close and he relaxes, listening to her. He lets himself fall into unconsciousness. Kali lets out a breath and closes her eyes. Showing how worried she is about him.

"How is he?" Iroh asks as he prepares tea for himself and Kali. Just to get her to rest for a moment but he knows that the chances of her doing so are slim. Kali's hand pauses over Zuko's head and she clenches her jaw.

"He's burning up, but...I'm trying to fix it" She assures him, but he already knows she is trying her hardest to heal him. Iroh is going to try and use tea in the way that she uses plants to heal. There is not much difference considering that tea is made up of tea leaves. She is just better equipped to deal with healing by using nature and the natural world around them. It shows. The plants that they brought with them are starting to wilt as she draws energy from them. As she draws life from them to heal Zuko. Iroh is as worried as she is. Zuko getting sick this way, but of course, Iroh believes there is a deeper spiritual meaning behind it. A crossroads. This just might be the turning tide that Zuko needs. The destiny he is destined to chase. He knows where his nephew's future lies, and it is not with Ozai, it is not with his father, it is with the nature bender who is going out of her way to save his life. To show him that there is a life outside of the Fire Nation. The slave girl that has shown to be stronger than anything that would chain them. Anything that could control them. This girl that has be controlled and enslaved her entire life, is more powerful than anything that has been thrown at her. This young woman that has seen the worst this world has to offer and is still kind and compassionate and thoughtful. How easy it would have been for everything she has been through to break her. And instead, it has made her kind. It made her strong. She hums to herself as she focuses on her healing.

"Little flower" Iroh offers, already pouring out some tea for them. He knows that all they can go is to wait for the poison to work through Zuko's system. She has done what she can. "Kali" She shakes her head, wanting to continue helping Zuko.


Zuko finds himself standing in the Fire Nation palace, in the throne room. Though it is empty and quiet. He lets out a breath and glances around. Soft giggling interrupts the silence and he spins trying to find the source. He finds is in a small green child who darts out from behind a pillar and heads straight for him, running around him, laughing, happy. Plants erupt all around them. Zuko lets out a content breath as he watches them. There is something so peaceful about this moment. Something so content.

"Daddy, look" The child states, staring up at him, their hands held out to show a flower blooming in their palm.

"Zuko?" He turns to find Kali standing in an open doorway. The child giggles and runs towards her. From behind Kali, an older child pokes their head around, this one a daughter, though her skin is far less green, there is still a tint to it but she is not as green as Kali or the younger child. Kali looks different too. She's wearing Fire Nation robes with white floral details on the large sleeves. She looks older, but still so beautiful. She smiles warmly at him as she lifts the child up, setting them against her side. There is a deep warmth that fills him. It is clear that these children are meant to be his. He can see it in their eyes. His own golden brown reflected at him against their green skin. He looks at Kali who watches him with utter devotion, trust, and warmth. "The children want you to tell them about our adventures again" She offers with a small smile, reaching down to take the hand of the oldest. "Are you coming?" She asks, turning towards the living quarters of the palace. He goes to follow her but finds he is unable to move from where he is standing.

"Kali" He holds out his hand towards her but she gets further and further away from him. "No....wait, Petal" He suddenly finds himself in the position of Fire Lord, only he has no scar over his eye. He sits in the same place his father has stood, in the same place his grandfather has stood. A row of Fire Nation guards lines the room. He looks around confused. Looking for Kali when one red and one blue dragon appear and start circling around the pillars on each side of him. The blue dragon starts circling around Zuko. When they talk, the blue dragon talks to him in Azula's voice and the red in Kali's.

"It's getting late" The Blue Dragon states. "Are you planning to retire soon, my lord?"

"I'm not tired" Zuko argues.

"Relax, Fire Lord Zuko. Just let go. Give in to it. Shut your eyes for a while" Zuko slowly starts to shut his eyes but widely opens them upon hearing the other dragon.

"No, Fire Lord Zuko!" The Red Dragon argues. "Do not listen to the blue dragon. You should get out of here right now. Go! Before it's too late!" Both dragons are poised on either side of Zuko.

"Sleep now, Fire Lord Zuko" The dragons disappear, and the room they're in, as well as the guards, watching Zuko, crumble to nothing. The blue dragon reappears in front of him. Two golden eyes appear, followed by the face of the blue dragon, which closes rapidly. "Sleep" The Blue Dragon's voice grows louder and more hostile as it continues talking. "Just like mother!" The Blue Dragon charges at Zuko and opens its mouth. Inside the dragon's mouth, Zuko sees his mother, Ursa.

"Zuko! Help me!" She begs but Zuko disappears through the floor


Back in the apartment, Zuko's eyes snap open and he sits up, instantly seeking out Kali. He finds her sleeping at his side on the floor. He lets out a breath and shifts closer to her, drawing his blanket over both of them. She shifts a little in her sleep, reacting to him. He touches her face, drawing his fingers over her cheek with a soft smile. Finding comfort in her presence after whatever that dream was. Iroh would tell him that it is some spiritual message that he should listen to and figure out. That the two dragons represent his life or something. The Fire Nation vs Kali. That maybe one day he will have to choose. To return home or stay with her. But the rest of the dream, the children, Kali. That implies that there is a balance to be found in which he can go home with her at his side and find happiness. He lets out a breath and rests at her side.

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