chapter 21😈🙁😭💔🇹🇴😈

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Billy's POV:

Griffin went into Grab N' Go to get us drinks before we went out to the park. I was waiting for him outside when Jackie came up to me and started flirting with me. "Jackie, please stop. You know I have a boyfriend." I kept pushing her off me aswell. "Oh but Billy I'm so much better than griffin! You know that right??" She kept whining in my face while looking back at something. I wanted to look at what she was looking at but she pulled me down and kissed me. I nearly threw up in the kiss istg.

I turned away to see my precious griffin holding two drinks and tears running down his face. Fuck,fuck fuck, please tell me he heard her flirt with me please tell me he did. He came walking up to me and he shoved the drink in my hand and ran off in tears. "Shit, griffin, wait!" Jackie grabbed onto my wrist and winked at me. I shoved her away and started running after griffin. Griffin fell ontop of Bruce and I just stood there, watching them while tears formed into my eyes aswell. They whispered something then started walking away. Then griffin stopped and came up to me. "And by the way, don't fucking talk to me. We're done. I hate you!" He slapped me aswell. I stood there shocked as he ran away and shoved past Bruce. I watched as Bruce shook his head at me and he walked away.

I finally arrived at my house and broke down into tears, I ran up into my room and slammed the door shut. I didn't wanna speak to anyone. I dont wanna eat. I felt nothing. My face was red and my eyes were puffy. I turned over to the side and felt something climb onto my bed, it was Dolly. "Hey girl. How have you been, Hm?" I sat up while petting her back, all she did was bark in response then lay back down. I went back onto my side and thought of some things. I don't even wanna go to school anymore. I have no energy at all. I just lost the love of my life again over fucking Jackie.

I sobbed into a pillow until I finally passed out, falling asleep. I want this to be a dream. Please when I wake up tomorrow everything will be fine and I'll wake up with my beautiful griffin beside me snuggling into my chest like he always did. I hate Jackie so fucking much.


Ugh kms I acc hate Jackie why did I make her exist 😒 anyways go read my Rinney story aswell guys!

451 words!

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