Elders can't be right everytime

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(At morning both brother having breakfast )

Vivek : I wanted to tell you guys something.. Yesterday dad called me....

Prince : Yehh bhai mom called me too that headache is coming tomorrow (prince rolled his eyes)

Vivek : Watch your words kid he is older than you.

Uncle : who's coming son?

Vivek : Aarav is coming uncle he has an exam in this city so he'll stay here with us..

(Actually Arav is their cousin brother who is just two year older than prince.. So most of the time he tease prince or mock him and because of that prince hates him)

Uncle : Ok that's good..

Prince : What's good in that uncle..he is such a annoying person.

Vivek : Prince.. Look i don't need any kind of drama in this house so make sure to be polite with him he is our guest after all.

Prince : If he'll behave I'll behave too..

Vivek : prince.. (He said in angry tone)

Prince : I'll behave bhai sorry..😔

Uncle : prince just make safe distance from him.. You can stay at your room.. ( uncle console him)

Prince : you're right uncle.

Vivek : I hope you know how to behave with guest.. I don't have to teach you that at this age.(he spoke and got up from dining chair )

Prince : Yes.. I know bhai.

Vivek : Good bro.. (He smiled and took laptop bag and left for office )

Prince : Already morning start with scolding..🙄

Uncle : Ha ha ha that's ok don't be sad.. Now go and get ready for school you'll be late..

(Next day Arav came.. Everyone is in drawing room)

Vivek : Hey.. Hi bro.. So how was your journey? How are you?
(He hugged him)

Arav : hi vivek I'm all good.. I'm just tiered because of long journey.

Prince's POV
Oh God look at this boy he is calling my brother with his name such a mannerless he is..

Arav : Hey... Prince how are you

Prince : I'm fine Arav.

(As soon as he said Arav vivek looked at him with wide eyes...)

Arav : Guys can i go.. I need some rest.

Uncle : come let me show you your room.

(They both left.. Vivek came near to prince )

Vivek : Prince you... (He showed his finger to warned him.. But princs cut his words)

Prince : If he can't respect you.. I'll not respect him tit for tat.
(And he ran to upstairs in his room)

Vivek's POV
This kid really....I hope these two days gonna be easy for me.I'm done.

(Now at 12:30PM prince came from school..suddenly such a loud music was coming from his home today..he entered in home)

Prince : (he covered his both ear )ahhhhh oh God who is listening such a loud music uncle stop it.... (He yelled )

(He saw arav is dancing on drawing room)

Uncle : Since 2hour he is listening this songs son even I've headache because of this (he said in sad tone)

Prince : Arav... Arav decrease the volume... (He shouted )

(After some moment prince snatched the remote and turn off the music )

My brother My Hero (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now