Rikido Sato

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I have a sweet tooth. I like candy, chocolate, Ice cream, you name it. If it's sweet I'll eat it. That's why every week on Thursday I sneak into Sato Room to still some of his candy and anything he had made. Sato has is own personal kitchen in his room. Mostly so that he can practice using his quirk. But I'm not complain. That's just mean I can take my lock picking Cass and go get something sweet when ever I want. I only do it on Thursday around 10 because he's out buying more stuff.

He usely never finds out it's me. Only because Hagakure is unable to be seen. So they think she does it. I mean she dose. But she does it on Monday when everyone is out training. I mean everyone else may loss track of here. But it's hard to miss a pair of gloves floating away from the training site. I quickly look down at my phone. It's almost 10 now. That means Sato should be leaving his room any minute. I quickly rush out of my room and down to the common room. This way I can make sure he leaves.

Don't want to end up stuck in his room like last time. I had to wait until dinner to leave his room last time. Not having a repeat of that. So I'm going to wait before I eat anything after I get it. I quickly sat down on the couch and watched the elevator. Almost everyone was busy today. So I should make a clear get away. I sat back on the couch to make it look as if I had been sitting there all day. Then the elevator door open I smiled as I grown out.

" Man there's never anything good on!" I huffed. This is going to be easy. I look over to see Shoji and Sato looking at me. I chuckled as I stood up. " Hey Sato, Shoji how are you two doing today?" Shoji just looked at me before walking out the door. But Sato responsed to me. " Hello Mineta it's going to see you out of your room. I'm about to go shopping for some ingredients for a cake. If you like you can come with me. I'll buy you something to snack on wall we are out." I look up at Sato before nodding my head yes.

I mean at least I don't have to sneak into his room. And I'll get something to snack on. I'm already dressed so I see no reason not to do so. " Really?! Cool. Everyone else is busy today. I usely ask Shoji or even Sero to go. But they always seam busy with stuff. Anyways let's go. The shop we're going to is restocking today in a few minutes. " I sighed as I walked next to Sato. Well at least I'll get something to snack on. Sato smiled as he lead the way out of the school.

I followed some what behind him. He must have noticed because he stopped. " Mineta I see your having trouble keeping up. If you like o carry you. I don't want to end up losing you." He spoke. I sighed as I responded. " Sure. But I am low on energy. I haven't eaten today." If I had most likely eat I could keep up with him. I would be tier after but I would have been able to keep up. Sato looked at me before responding. " Well that can't do at all. Let's go to my family's Bakery.

My mother makes some of the best breakfast cakes ever. Don't know if you like sweet's. But it's going to have a lot of surger in it." I smiled as I responded to him. " Sure why not. I could use something sweet. I really like sweets just not really a loud to have them at home." I muble that last part. Sato picked me up before responding to me. " Well I won't tell if you won't. Everyone needs some sweetness in there life." I chuckled. He had me siting on his shoulder. Got to say. I look as if am 5.

Maybe even 7.  It didn't take long before I smelt the sweet scene of cinnamon rolls. Got to say. My mouth is watering. I've always like cinnamon rolls. They remind me of fall. " Hey Mineta I have have a question." I look down at Sato as we walked closer to the Bakery. "Ya what's your question Sato?" I responded to him. Sato stopped and sat me down as we opened the door for me. I walked in as he followed. " I wanted to know. Why you never seam to come down when I makes sweets for the class?"

I sighed at is question at we walk up to the canter. " Rikido my baby boy. I'm so glad to see you. Is this one of your classmates? Hello nice to meet you dear. Anyways hunny what can momma get for her big strong man and his friend." Got to say Sato's mom is really nice. Sato definitely got that from his mom. " Well mom I would like chocolate chip muffins and a sweet biscuits. Mineta what do you want" I jumped a bit lost in thought. " Sorry I was thinking about something. Um could I get a cinnamon roll." Sato smiled in responses.

" Of course you can Mineta dear. You two go sit down. I'll have them over to you in a minute." Me and Sato both nodded before sitting down at one of the tables." Mineta you never did answer my question." I look over at Sato before responding." My parents have only one rule for me. And that is to not reduce the Strath of my quirk by eating junk. As you may know. My quirk works with my heath. If I'm heathy the balls on my head could stick to something all day. If I'm not. They can fall off pretty quickly."

Sato sighed as he responded. " Well I would say your parents are wrong in that case. The human body. No matter what size or what there quirk is. Needs some surger to help pump energy. It plays a big deal in my quirk but may not to much in yours. As long as you exercise and take care of yourself. A snack or some sweet I'd fine to have once a week or a month depending on how much you exercise." I look up at Sato surprised before responding. " Thank you for letting me know Sato. "

Sato smiled as he responds. " Well Mineta sence we are getting to know each better. You can call me Rikido if you like." I blush as I responded. " Are you sure? I don't want to be doing that I'd it makes you uncomfortable." Sato only laughed. I smiled as I responded. " Well you can call me Minoru if you like." I look up at Rikido to notice his blush. He only smiled in responses. After a few minutes his Mom came out with are stuff as well as a milkshake. Me and Rikido both looked at his mom confused waiting for a explain for the milkshake.

" Well Rikido I didn't know Mineta was your boyfriend. I made you both a strawberry milkshake. There's two straws for you both to share." Mines and Rikido's face darken. His mom walked away before we could say anything. After a few minutes of silence Sato spoke up. " Hey Minoru. How about we do this again sometime." I smiled as I nodded my head yes.

Cuteeeeeeeee. Also them going on a date Owo so cute. Your going to have to imagine what it would be like. A trip to the movies candy and sweets all day. Then back at the dorms cooking and snuggles. So cute. Anyways...  I hope you enjoy this random charter pick for today. Remember you can always request a character. Other ways I May just spin the while of ships. XD.


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Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora