Chapter 1

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Kim Sunoo had never experienced stage fright.

On the contrary, he reveled in the sensation of the dazzling spotlights brazenly aimed at him, and the countless pairs of eyes locked on him as reminders that he was the focal point in the vast theater.

But in this specific instant, as he stared directly at the gleaming instrument before him, and as it glared right back like a ravenous creature, Sunoo felt like it was just him in the room.
He positioned his fingers over the black and white keys he's been familiar with since earliest stages and sank into the cold feel of the spruce on his fingertips.

Casting a glance at the crowd, he was once more struck with his favorite scenery; the entire audience shrouded in darkness, dimes a dozen compared to he who shone like the universe was his to illuminate.

One of the several judges filling in the front row gestured for him to begin.
And so, he drew in a deep breath and launched into his performance, gently tapping the keys he had placed his fingers on.

He was taught to never underestimate competition, but he still felt a twinge of sympathy for the other participants, who had a snowball's chance in hell of beating Sunoo.

Paying no mind to the many eyes fixed on him, he ramped up the pace, adopting his customary confident posture.
His fingers steadily accelerated as he attempted to match the intricate nature of the composition he'd spent so long striving to master.

He performed with unwavering dedication, allowing his untamed imagination to roam freely, infusing the composition with his unique essence. He interwove the notes of passion and devotion into a piece meant to exude solemnity. He was no composer, but he wasn't one to simply copy and paste.

Sunoo's fingers danced faster, the bandages wrapped around them on the brink of breaking. In such dire circumstances, he found irony in how he unfailingly immersed himself in his performance, when it was meant for the public to be immersed in.

Gradually, his temporal awareness completely faded, his palms dripped with sweat, and his fingertips succumbed to numbness. Yet, his ceaseless melody endured, it was like his body was compelled to play forever, his singular focus being the music his own hands were producing.

How long has it been? Seconds? Minutes?
He wouldn't know, his body was still physically there—but the music had total control of his thoughts.
Instinctively giving in to the beautiful sounds the piano was creating, Sunoo unconsciously started smiling, hoping the public was enjoying this just as much as he was.

And soon enough he could feel the piece nearing to an end as he struck the last notes of Vivaldi's notoriously hard masterpiece; Summer, the Four Seasons.

He let his foot go off the pedal, his trembling fingers drifting away from the keys—and his brain abruptly returned to reality,processing the fact that he was still in the competition stage and had just finished his turn. He'd just completed the most challenging piece he's ever had to learn.
Sunoo remained seated on the burgundy stool—too shaken up to get up or to look around.

Like a bolt from the blue, the audience burst into cheers and applause, filling the auditorium with a din of whistles and hearty congratulations. Sunoo allowed himself a sigh of relief as he turned to acknowledge the crowd. Among them, he spotted his friends Jungwon, Ni-ki, and Jake, who were enthusiastically jumping and shouting, with Jake offering a thumbs-up in approval.

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