Chapter 115: Setting the Pieces in Motion

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With both hands interlocked together in a display of thought, Hetrad's eyes remained fixed on the table where a huge projection of each beacon appeared.

He then pointed at the beacons at one of the border fortresses.

Hetrad: If we change our plans, as long as my estimate is right, once we manage to deactivate eight of the fifteen beacons, we can break the barrier completely. By then, the barrier will be too weak to withstand a full-frontal assault.

Dorara: That's true…

Durara muttered from the side, her head repeatedly nodding in agreement. Then, she turned to face Delirious once more.

Dorara: I guess that's settled. Do your best in deactivating the rest of the beacons. As I've said before, you will be granted authority at the level of senior advisor. Do as you please.

Delirious: Thank you Madam Dorara..

Delirious replied with a disinterested look.

Since he was Gigawatts, he had to act the part.

And it soon became apparent that his acting wasn't too far off from the original Gigawatts. The elders merely turned a blind eye to his blatant show of disrespect.

Odin: Since you're here, let me hear about your opinion on a certain matter.

Dorara: Wait, are you planning on asking him about that matter…?

Opening her eyes wide, Dorara looked at Odin with an incredulous look.

In response, Odin then glanced at her and the other elders present and just merely shrugged.

Odin: Even if he's not an elder, it doesn't hurt to ask. The matter has little to no significance to us anyways.

However, Odin wasn't being completely honest.

Odin: I'm just asking for his opinion since he seems to have a bright head on his shoulders. Who knows, perhaps he can even come up with a good plan.

He wanted another opinion because he couldn't get rid of a nagging feeling in the back of his head.

Hetrad: Well… I think Odin makes a valid point, Dorara.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Tapping on the table with his small, chubby blue hand, he looked at Dorara and the other duergars present.

Hetrad: Since he's smart enough to be able to find a way to deactivate the defensive system, he should be able to come up with reliable input regarding those humans.


Standing by the side, the moment Delirious heard Odin mention humans, his brows knit in consternation. Albeit, for but a single moment.

'Something's off.'

Dorara: …He has just been promoted to senior advisor, so I guess it's fine to tell him.

Dorara eventually relented and turned to glance at Odin, who looked straight at Delirious.

The moment their eyes met, a cold chill ran down on Delirious' spine. Even though he has a skill immunity towards fear, Hetrad's Demigod power is on an entirely different level, but fortunately he kept his cool.

Odin: Alright, if anyone is against the decision of asking Dr. Gigawatts for his opinion, please let me know.

Once his words faded, a deathly silence permeated the hall.

Though Delirious wasn't sure what was happening, he listened attentively to what they were trying to say.

From the looks of it, they want to ask him about his opinion on something that was somehow related to humans.

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