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talk of blood and needles
Davina's pov

I don't know who thought it'd be a good idea to leave me alone with a stick and poke set-up here. But I'm having a fucking blast.

So far I've got some of my left hand done and all of my right hand done. I'm ambidextrous, ever since that witch of a mom pushed me out of my window. Broke my arm, left arm to be exact. The only arm I knew how to use properly. So my dad taught me how to do everything with my right hand. It was fairly easy if you ask me.

"Oh my fuck nuggets." I hear Xander say from the entry way of the dining room. My eyes reach him and immediately give him a cheeky smile, you know, the same smile a little kid would give their parents after they've been caught doing something they shouldn't have.

Yea. That kinda smile.

"Don't tell kk, got it?" It comes out of my mouth fast, so fast that I have no excuse.

"Don't tell him? He looks at you like you're his newborn child Davina. He's gonna notice." He rambles on, boring me. So I go back to dipping the needle in black ink, and poking it into my skin. "I leave you alone for 20 fucking minutes dude. What the hell. He's gonna kill me not you."

"Do you want one?" He shuts his mouth, and looks down at the lightning bolt I just finished. He narrows his eyes, looking up at my face. My adorable 'I can get away with anything' face.

"Fuck yea I do, give me a bandage on my wrist like you did." He rushes to the chair next to mine, sitting down almost falling on his way.

"Calm your tits Xanny, you're so dramatic." I say trying to cover up my laughter, giving him full sarcasm.

"The chair tripped me D, get it, get the big bad chair." He calls out to me like a damn dog, telling me to 'get' an inanimate object.

"I'm holding a needle to your wrist dude, don't fuck with me." He brings his eyes up to mine, wide eyed as fuck.

"You're fucking psycho." I smile, just the slightest smile to show him I took that as a compliment.
- — - — - — - — - — - — -
So.. after a long 30 minutes of Xander telling me what else he wanted, he got bored and said "hey let's pierce my nipples."

And I'm a sucker for this kind of shit. So of course I said yes. It would be very Davina of me to say no to that.

"OW." He yells out at me, throwing his head back dramatically. I bring my eyes up to his and drive the needle a little further through his nipple. I break into a fit of laughter when I see the silent scream come from his mouth.

"You're laughing." He sucks in air through his teeth. "But this isn't very funny." He grips onto the chair as if he's going into labor. "Yea well you asked for it, you little fucker." I spit out at him, bringing my bottom lip between my teeth. Trying to focus on the task at hand here. "I want mine done next." I hear coming from behind me.


I turn around, happy to see him after a while 24 hours. He was off killing people or whatever he does for a living. My smile widens when I see him standing there, leaning against the doorway.

"Davina." Xander says, still in pain. "MY NIPPLE IS BLEEDING OUT. FIX IT." I turn back around to see Xander and Kayson making eye contact, though Xander looks kinda scared now. As if he's made a mistake.

"You're a little pussy." Kayson laughs from behind me, egging him on. I smile to myself, just hearing his laugh brings me so much happiness. "You fucking try it asshole." Xander says through gritted teeth as I finish twisting the ball on his second nipple piercing.

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