(Season 2) Chapter 9 A New Vow

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No one's POV

Myu: Papa! It's morning! Wake up!

A young child's voice rang out through the second floor of a certain house in Erisen. The sun had crested over the horizon, and was making its way up the sky. Looking out the window, one could tell the weather would be great.

Sora: Haaah...

Sora rolled over in his bed. The young child, who was of course Myu, ran over to him to wake him up. She jumped up onto his bed and landed squarely on his stomach. The full weight of her body pressed down against him. She may have been a little girl of only four years, but people were heavy. She still weighed around 16 kilograms. If something that heavy slammed into a normal person's stomach, they'd normally groan in pain. Sora, though, barely felt it. Still, he wasn't too happy about being forced awake.

Myu: Papa, get up. It's morning. The sun's out.

Sora: Hey Myu. Good morning. I'm up, so you can stop slapping me now?

Myu had been happily slapping Sora's cheek to wake him up. He raised himself to a sitting position and lifted Myu off him. Her long emerald hair spilled out behind her. He smiled as he looked up at her. They really did resemble father and daughter.

 They really did resemble father and daughter

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Aishia: Mmm... Sora? Myu?

A tired voice called out to Myu. Sora pulled back the sheets to reveal Aishia, sleeping curled up in a ball next to him. Despite the fact that she'd just woken up, her hair wasn't messy at all. It glimmered in the sun, and her eyes shone like pink diamond. She blinked a few times. But what surprise them, Aishia was naked. Her long hair fell over her shoulders, covering portions of her porcelain-white skin.

 Her long hair fell over her shoulders, covering portions of her porcelain-white skin

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Sora(mind): Crap!

Myu: Why is Big Sister Aishia naked...?

Sora(telepathy): Aishia! I thought I told you to wear clothes when Myu's here!

Aishia(telepathy): Sleeping with you was so comfy. I didn't realize my shirt disintegrate.

Sora(telepathy): Seriously!

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