Chapter 8

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"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio." Ember said, chuckling as she, Max, El, and Mahi sat in El's bedroom staring at magazines.
"Macchio?" El asked.
"Yeah, he's the karate kid. Hi yah!" Max said, laughing.
"He's hot right?" Ember asked El. "I bet he's an amazing kisser too."
"Hey uh, is Mike a good kisser?" Max asked, turning around to look at Mahi. Mahi looked up from the magazine she was reading and shrugged.
"I don't know. He's my first boyfriend." 
"Ex-boyfriend." Ember corrected.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Okay? He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness." Max said, placing a hand on Mahi's shoulder. "I guarantee you, he is, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now."
"He's like "Oh I hope she takes me back." Ember said. All girls practically fell backward laughing. 
"God, what I wouldn't give to see his stupid face." Max said. El smiled and looked over at her radio.
"What is it?" Mahi asked. El just smiled.

"Is this really gonna work?" Max asked. She had never seen El find people in the void. El, Mahi, and Ember all nodded excitedly. 
"Holy s**t this is insane." Max continued.
"Max." El scolded.
"Yeah. Quiet. I'm sorry." Max apologized. 
El closed her eyes and started searching. She opened her eyes and found herself in the void, an endless black place that existed inside her mind. After walking for a few seconds, she found Will, Mike, and Lucas, sitting in Mike's basement on the sofa, eating chips.
"What's wrong with me? What did I do wrong?" Mike asked.
"Nothing." Lucas replied.
"What did I do wrong? What could I have done wrong?" Mike continued
"Do I have to go through this again?" Lucas asked, annoyed.
"I see them." El said in the real world.
"What are they doing?" Max asked excitedly
"Eating." El answered as the boys crunched the chips loudly.
"I don't understand what I did to deserve this." Mike complained.
"Nothing. Nothing. That's my whole point. You are the victim here." Lucas said.
"I know. It's just, why is she treating me this way?" Mike looked to his best friend for advise.
"I don't know." Will said suddenly, looking annoyed.
"Mike." Lucas said, trying to snap his friend back to his so-called "reality."
"What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong!" Mike yelled.
"Mike stop." Lucas said. "Relax. Just relax. Okay? Stop asking rational questions."
"I know, I know. You're right." Mike said, calming down.
"Because women act on emotion and not logic." Lucas said.
"Precisely." Mike said.
"It's a totally different species." Lucas countiued.
"They say we are "species." El said in the real world.
"What?" Max asked angry.
"Emotion not logic." El countiued.
"What?" Ember said.
"Guys, it's ready." Will said.
"Will, not right now." Mike waved off his friend.
"She broke up with you, what else is there to talk about?" Will asked.
"Tons." Lucas replied.
"Yeah, we're trying to solve the mystery of the female species." Mike said. Lucas opened his mouth and let out a large belch. Mike laughed.
"Dude, you can smell the nacho cheese." He said. Lucas groaned.
"I got that beat." He said.
"What?" Mike asked. Lucas lifted one of his legs.
"No, Lucas, no!" Mike cried.
"No!" Will yelled. "Lucas! Lucas!" Lucas let out a long, loud, probably smelly fart. El grabbed the blindfold off and looked at her friends laughing.
"What happened?" Ember asked enthusiastically. El just kept giggling.
"What? What happened?" Max asked. El fell over into her friend's laps laughing. The others looked at each other and started laughing too.

"Holy s**t, I can't believe we're really doing this." Max said, staring at the board she, Ember, Mahi, and El had made.
"Ready?" Mahi asked El, who was sitting in front of the board, blindfold hanging loosely around her neck.
"Ready." El confirmed. Mahi reached out her hand and spun the bottle. It spun around and landed on...
"Mr. Wheeler." Everyone said together.
"Ugh. Boring." Max complained.
"Yeah. Boring." Ember nodded. Her dad didn't do much that she saw. He spent most time in his chair and watched a lot of TV.
"Spin again." Mahi said.
"Against the rules?" El asked confused.
"We make our own rules." Max said. They all laughed and Ember spun again. The bottle spun and spun and landed on...
"Okay, look. I should just warn you if he's with a girl or doing something gross, just get out of right away before you're scarred for life." Max said.
"Max." El said.
"No, I'm just saying, I'm serious. He's really gross."
"Max!" El scolded.
"Okay, shutting up now." Max said. El pulled the blindfold down and Mahi set the radio to play static. El closed her eyes and when she opened them again, she was in the void. In front of her stood Billy Hargrove, standing next to a car where a soft whimpering sound came from.
"I found him." El said in the real world.
"What's he doing?" Max asked.
"I don't know." El replied.
"Don't be afraid." Billy said, kneeling over someone who lay on the ground now.
"He's... on the floor." El said.
"It'll be over soon." Billy was saying.
"Talking to someone." El continued. A whimpering sound was coming from in front of Billy. 
"Just stay very still." Billy was saying. The whimpering came again, followed by a girl gasping, then a girl screaming. 
"Billy!" She yelled, scared. And then she screamed again. Then Billy looked up from the girl and stared right at El. El ripped off the blindfold and looked over at her friends worried faces.
"What is it?" Max asked. "What happened?" She may not have known, but El's worried face to her it wasn't good.

Is this gonna be okay? A Stranger Things apply ficWhere stories live. Discover now