Chapter 26

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Hello everybody!! 

This chapter is pretty long compared to usual so I hope you enjoy it :) I've also been struggling with some writer's block recently so writing has been hard for me. I'm honestly not super fond of this chapter because of my lacklustre attitude... I haven't edited the chapter as thoroughly as usual so I'm sorry for the mistakes.
I hope you're all having a wonderful morning/day/night <3 <3 

Love from Red :P



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"Come on! It can't be that hard," Tommy teases. 

I glare up at him, my cheek pressed against the hardwood floor in the middle of the tiny kitchen. Tommy and I got bored of just waiting for our toast to come out of the oven. Why I agreed to do physical therapy with Tommy I have no idea. This is clearly a terrible decision. My hands were clasped tightly behind my back, restricting my massive brown wings as I used them to push as hard as I could. It is my least favourite exercise, which is probably why Tommy finds it so amusing. Seeing me complaining, grunting, and growling must be somewhat entertaining. 

Though I can't avoid the fact that my right wing had become much stronger. It hardly droops or sags lower than the left wing, instead, it sits comfortably at my side. The feathers that had been so out of order where the bone dipped and bent had rearranged themselves so that they are now smooth like the other side. 

"Shut up dickhead, it is hard!" I scowl at Tommy as he smirks cheekily. 

"Yeah right."

"Do you want to do this shit instead?" I meant to get Tommy to piss off and stop teasing, but instead, his eyes lit up. As his smirk deepened I know he's gotten an idea, one that I will resent myself for unwittingly giving him. 

He shrugs nonchalantly, but the look on his face is devilish. "Ok then."

"What are you- TOMMY!"

Tommy lays himself on top of me before I can wriggle out of the way. My hands unclasp from behind my back as I try feebly to push him off. He simply stays smug, and the look on his face makes me laugh.

"GET OFF YOU'RE SQUASHING ME!" I shout at him, starting to get lost in my giggling fit. Tommy's childishness gets the better of him and he becomes limp on my back. There's nowhere for me to go in the small kitchen. 

"Push me off! Push me off!" he repeats nearly hitting his head on the cabinets. 

"You're actually a child!" I laugh trying to angle myself so that I can push him off. For a brief second, the two of us make eye contact and pause, laughter ceasing. The surrealness of the situation dawns on me. I'm laying on the floor in the middle of the scruffy, messily tiled kitchen, and Tommy is crushing me under his weight for no reason other than because he wants to... Tommy cracks into a grin first, his laughter coming out in gasping hiccups. My laughter isn't as wheezy, it sounded more like cackles. 

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