Ch 616: Stubborn People

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Lin Ye didn't expect Snow to see through his act with only a few minutes of them talking.

Either his acting was rubbish, or Snow was too clever for him to trick. Although he wanted to believe, for his pride, that it was a little bit of both.

Did that mean he would give up on his small mission now?

Of course not.

He was too stubborn to give up that fast.

So, he only did the thing he knew would do best to deal with any problem that we're becoming increasingly harder to overcome.


Not afraid of the glare that he was getting from the angry Oni in front of him, he calmly tried to defuse this whole situation before it became messy.

His time of getting glared at by terrifying people in his life was becoming handy for Lin Ye now.

"Miss Kurotsuki," His tone was even, as he stared at her, "What are you doing?"

With the new haircut that he got and some accessories that he had on him, Lin Ye liked to say he was just different enough for Snow to think he was a different person.

Was he being ignorant, to not deal with all the drama he had to face, to just run away from his problems?


Nothing wrong with that right?

People may say to him that his problems will eventually catch up with him one day.

His answer to this statement was simple.


He was a good runner, he outran one of his fastest cats, so he liked to test his luck on that.

Snow clenched on his coat and pulled herself closer to him.

"... So, you aren't willing to admit it," Snow narrowed her eyes at him, "I've been looking for you for almost a year now."

"I do not understand, Miss," Lin Ye's tone and voice did not change as he stared at her. Although that may be the case, when he heard how long she was trying to find him, Lin Ye's emotions felt conflicted.

Why did she waste so much of her precious time on a selfish, horrible, and idiotic man like him?

She could live her best life to the fullest if she just let him go and move on. Forget that he ever existed. So why? For someone to use that time to find him, it did not make any sense to Lin Ye.

But that was a question he needed to ponder for another time.

"I do understand what you are saying, However, Miss Kurotsuki, please do know that what you are doing, your actions will affect the chances of us letting you join Rhodes Island," Lin Ye warned, "So please, be reasonable with what you do after this."

As the eldest daughter of the ancient family of Kurotsuki and a wandering warrior, Snow was not bothered by this man's threats. In fact, it only made her narrow her eyes harder on him. Just as she was about to tell him all the things that he did with her, saving her, she stopped herself.

What would happen if she did that though?

From what Snow vaguely remembered of this person, he was stubborn. If she told him all that she knew about him, this man would just deny them and say she got the wrong person.

But Snow knew better. She would never forget this man's voice.


It was calming.

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