Sirens- 8

557 19 0

TW: disassociation, panic attack

Peter's eyes burn, they throb from the red and blue light that had been going for a continuous amount of time now. He can't figure out how long he's been standing there, staring. He's confused, because just minutes ago he was crying. He was sad, but then, he felt his mind fizzle out just as the ambulance pulled out and sped away.

He can't feel his limbs. He can't think.

Tears are blurring his vision, making the lights look fuzzy and streaky. He can feel his heart rate speed up, he can feel the panic squeezing at his chest but he just can't move. His eyes are glued on the road and he watches as the puddle of blood spreads out on the asphalt.

Tony's blood.

He's snapped back to reality when Natasha grips his shoulder, nails digging into the skin just slightly, just enough for Peter to come back to himself. She'd know of all people what to do in a situation like this. She then rubs a hand along his arm, trying her best to be comforting.

Rhodes is crouched down at his eye level. His mouth was moving but no words were coming out. After another few seconds, the ringing in his ears fades and he makes eye contact with the man. He notices how his mask is discarded to the side.

"-eter. I need you listen to me. In, and out."

In and out? Why? Is he not-?

Peter gasps in a stuttering breath.

"There we go." Rhodes pats his chest. "You got it, kid. You're doing great, it's going to be alright."

"Oh god," Peter cried. "He's- he's-"

He almost misses the sensation of being numb when he remembers why he's here, shaking from adrenaline.

It was an accident, really. No one was truly at fault but they'd all just finished a mission and people of New York are rightfully paranoid, especially after an alien attack. People tend to carry weapons on them.

Everything was successful with minor damage, the invasion was prevented, and they were ready to go and get something to eat. It was tradition.

They're chatting as they make their way towards the shawarma place Tony recommends every time. There aren't many people out, but the people that are are still understandably terrified. There's some that had just found their families, some already out getting groceries.

Again, it was an accident. Someone, tense with fading fear and adrenaline and trying to get home safely had managed to bump into Tony. It was nearing dark and they were very obviously only focused on getting home so the force against their shoulder was a surprised. They shouted in alarm and within a second Tony is hunched over pressing his hand to a bloody wound on his abdomen.

The avengers gasped and the person stuttered out panicked apologies.

Tony huffed, examining the blood on his hand.
"Well shit."

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark sir- I just- oh my-"

"It's fine. I've had worse."

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