The Bus

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I stared at both of them for a few seconds, indecisive. Coulson had a soft, kind gaze, one that a father would give his daughter. They other guy, Ward, I think, still looked kinda pissed off. Did he always look like that?

Finally, I made a decision. "If you want me so bad, give me one reason why I should go with you."

Coulson and Ward looked at each other. "Because other people are in danger, and you are the only one that can help," Coulson said.

Why me, I thought. Why now. Ugh.
I closed my pocket knife and crossed my arms, glaring at them.

"Alright then," Coulson said. "This way please." Him and Ward parted as Coulson extended his hand gesturing me to walk between them. My arms still crossed, I trudged between them and up the small slope. We kept walking until we got to the entrance where there was a small connecting meadow. We walked into the grass of the meadow, but I was confused. Nothing was there. We walked almost to the center of the field. We stopped.

Coulson put a finger to his ear. "May." Probably an earpeice, I thought. Right before me, and enormous plane materialized out of nowhere. I stumbled back. "B-But, It wasn't, but," I stuttered.

"It's a cloaking device", Coulson said walking toward it. "Nothing alien."

Oh, what a relief. Nothing alien. Joy. I followed him as a ramp descended onto the grass. An asian woman was waiting on the top. We walked up the ramp, me looking around in awe at the enormity of the plane. We walked into what seemed like a conference area. It was so quiet you could hear the clank of my boots on the metal floor.

"Please, Sit down". Coulson gestured towards a seat. I sat cautiously, but Ward and the woman walked to the bar on the other side of the room.

"We have a lot to discuss."

I was still looking around. Possibly for an escape route. The ramp ascended back. There goes that.

Coulson picked up a file from the table. He opened it and on the first page was the photo Katy had taken of me. "Hey!, I said. "How'd you get that?"

"It's how we first found out about you." He took the picture and held it up. "The glint in your eyes here wasn't a trick of the light. We believe you may have a rare genetic trait that stimulates more brain activity than usual."

"Do what now?", I said.

"This rainbow in your eyes is a genetic marker that means you use more brain capacity than the average person. It is mostly brought out by adrenaline, when you are nervous, scared, or excited. Back there when you pulled the knife, you're eyes were almost glowing.", Coulson said.

"Whoa, how about now? Are they still rainbow?", I exclaimed.

"Not as much. Only slightly."

"Oh. So what does this extra brain capacity allow me to do?", I asked.

"We have our suspicions that it may elongate your thought process. Allow you to read, or analyze, people and things. You can understand thought processes outside your own, you basically think outside the box. Except way outside. It's very unique, and rare.", he explained.

"So, basically, I'm just really smart?"

"Yes, in a way. Not smart, just intellectual. You know what people think before they think it. You read body language and emotional language. As it further develops in you, it will grow stronger. You'll be able to read people better. Almost like a telepath, just the non-superpower aesthetic version," he said.

"Wait, so I have a superpower?"

"Not exactly. Your brain is just different. The rainbow tint is just an effect. Fitz-Simmons can explain it to you. "

"What's Fitz-Simmons?" I said.

"Not important right now.", he said. I looked over at China and Ward. They were having a drink. Ward looked uptight. Not a very happy person I would assume. He looks like he knows what he's doing and he's good at it though. I wonder- "I need to ask you something", Coulson said interrupting my thoughts. "One of our former agents sold information to someone. That information was crucial, and we need to find who she sold it to. Our interrogative methods have been... ineffective." Ward turned around and looked at us.

"And that has to do with me how?" I asked.

"The last, and first, person with this ability was known to be a very successful interrogator. We were hoping you had similar talents.", he explained.

"So, let me get this straight. You need me, to interrogate one of your agents-gone-bad, to get information because of my so called special talents?", I said. Ward had turned around.

"Basically, yes," he said. "But, the only way to do that is for you to come with us for a few days. Here's what I suggest. You go home, pack a small bag of your things, and I'll come as a 4-day academic opportunist. It'll be a convincing cover. You're parents will buy it. Trust me.", he said.

I was starting to like Coulson. It felt like I could trust him. I checked my phone. 6:04. Uh oh.

"Alright. I'll help you. But only this once. I have a life and I like it. Although school does get out in 8 days.", I said.

Coulson nodded. "And you're sure you're comfortable with this?"

I nodded. We walked back out together and he brought me back to Spirit who was happliy grazing.

The rest of the evening was a blur. I couldn't believe what was happening. A government organization wanted me. Me. A normal girl no good for anything. I had to be hallucinating. By the time I had taken care of Spirit, pack a small bag, my mom had already had a conversation with Coulson. My dad was normally no show.

Before I knew what was happening, my Mom was hugging me goodbye and we were walking back up the ramp of the plane. This time another girl greeted us. She looked about 24 and had brown hair. "Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Skye", she said shaking my hand.
I was still speechless. I turned and looked at Coulson.

"Welcome to the Bus."

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