Chapter eight

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Patience – the ability to accept or willingly suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay.

Right now, I found myself lacking patience, as I drag my knife slowly across the table and lift my free hand up to wipe away the drop of sweat. I take off my jacket, and put my hair up in a ponytail, God it's getting hot in here. The windows are open, and the warehouse should be cold but right now I'm feeling quite hot with all the movement.

"It's hot in here, right?" I say, taking off my shirt and throwing it on the floor with my jacket. I grab the closest chair and sit on it while I wave my hand to cool down. My eyes wander, then stop at him, he's sweating twice as hard as me and although I'm the one doing most of the work, he's the one panting like he's just ran a marathon. "It's quite rude to ignore someone when they ask you something"

He twitches, "you're a fucking crazy bitch, you're dead when my men find you! Dead!"
I laugh, and adjust myself so my elbows are on my knees and I'm facing him,
"I don't think you're in any position to be threatening me now Trevor, dear." He gives me another death glare and tries to wrangle himself out of the ropes pulling on his arms and ankles. It's only making him weaker, I've tied him up too tight to get away. Each of his wrists hang on the opposite side, stretching out his body.

I stand up and walk closer to him with a bored expression. I've already been here for fourty minutes, one more minute and I'm going to get angry.
"You're wasting my time Trevor, give me the names and maybe I'll hand you over to my father in one piece."
"You've already cut off my fucking pinky!" He shouts.
"And next up is your dick if you don't give me what I'm asking for"

He gives me a horrid expression as his eyes widen, and starts pleading me to stop when I drag out my knife.

"Those cries, and pleads, your aching heart" I say, circling around him. "Where was it when you bought a twelve-year-old girl and showed her just how damn dirty the world is?"
"I didn't do anything, I promise! She's still alive!"
"Alive and scarred for life you fucking imbecile!" I snap, "she's alive but a big part of her died the day she fell in the arms of trash like you."

I dug the knife right below his navel, earning a loud scream.

"You better pray to God, pray that she'll be able to recover because if not I'll make sure to keep you alive just to make your life a living hell each day. I'll devote my entire day to ruining yours, and to making you wish you died right here and now" I lose it. I want to kill him so badly, but even death is too good for men like him. She was twelve, twelve for God's sake and he bought her like nothing. He got pleasure off of her pain, this is the reason I've devoted my life to this work. Because I get pleasure off of his pain, and every man like him.

"Please" He begs, his head falls down in defeat. "I'll give you anything you want just p-please s-stop."
"Names Trevor, I want names." I pull my knife out, "who did you buy her from?"
He's not loyal to them, he's just a pussy. Scared that if he rats them out they'll find him and kill him, but being under my is what he should be scared of.

He gulps, "R-rivers, the Rivers."
"they're the ones who let me buy her, they run the entire thing. No one knows it because they go under a fake name, and keep it as far away as possible to maintain their reputation but in reality, they're messed up. Really fucking messed up."

Landon River? He's always been the polished golden boy, I couldn't have guessed this. The entire family owns a finance corporation, they're one of the richest families in America and France. I guess maybe it's a good thing that I'm leaving for New York, I can keep an eye on him and get closer to finding out where their sources are from and who's part of this mess.

"There" He spits, "now you know everything, let me fucking go."
I let out a breath, and run my hand through my ponytail. Previously I only killed when I had to, when it was self-defense, but one day it stopped. One day I decided that killing men like him was just as good as self defense, because who knew how many people he was going to harm, children, girls and boys.

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