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Y/n pov:

I felt a big hand shake me awake. Adam was standing next to me. "Couldn't sleep"? He says while giving me a hot glass of tea.

I shake my head and take the glass from him. 'How's Kenji doing?'

"He's fine i guess. I tried to wake him up for his medicine but he pushed me!" That guy is so unpredictable. Pushing someone while he is sleeping hm, and then he talked some nonsense about ' why always my nose'. Hes a real pain in the ass you know.

''You trust him right? You seem like you know each other well'' 

Adam waves his hands at me saying i have to scooch over so he can lay next to me. 

'I met Kenji at the Reestablishment, he always was in some kind of trouble. Doing stupid shit.'' He laughed. Warner was so done with him but he is one of his best soldiers, like me. We were ordered to do missions together and we had to trust each other on the field. But then he began to join me at lunch and stuff and i don't know, now were here i guess. He looks at me, lifts his left arm up and lay it over my shoulder. He pulls me closer.

''I can just imagine how pissed Warner is right now but at the same time it also terrifies me. Two of his best soldiers betrayed him and his precious weapon turned against him and ran off with the two soldiers''

'He's doing everything right now to search us you know. He wants Juliette back and train her to conqueror the world and i guess  he just wants to kill us''he managed to let out a shaky laugh but when i lift my head up and look him in the eyes. 

I feel it, i feel it trough my bones rushing to my veins. I have never felt this by Adam. Somehow i can sense what everyone is feeling except by my own brother. Its like Adam is neutralizing me. But now i feel it so strong. He is scared, guilty for being here, guilty for bringing Juliette with him because it puts me in danger. He's happy to be here but so afraid. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him so close. ''I am so happy you are here, i.. i missed you know. And you really don't have to worry about us. Juliette is super strong just by looking at her i can feel all her strenght and greatness she can do. Kenji maybe be injured now but like you said he's a great soldier. He escaped the reestablishment when he heard you ran away and came to find you. He's strong. And me.. I've been training''

''You have been what?'' Adam sits up now looking me straight in the eye. ''Y/n you know how i feel about this''.

''I know, but its getting stronger and i can feel it so much better. You know i have to find out what it is inside of me. And to be honest i still can beat your ass in combat'' I smile at him but before Adam can say something back i put my hand to his mouth and tell him to be still.

I feel something, someone. It's coming closer-- closer..

''Adam lay down'' i yell. Gunshots are being fired trough our windows and doors. Men yelling and kicking down our door. I pinned Adam down shielding him.

The next second Adam is already standing firing his gun to the man approaching our house. In the back i hear someone scream ''Can't i even finish my beauty sleep anymore''.

Kenji ran to us shooting some men on the way. He slides ending up beside me. He places his hand on my face bringing me to face him.

''You okay,'' I looked at him not finding the words. ''Y/n hey are you hurt''. 

He looks at my arm and my stomach and the blood streaming out of me. ''Shit shit shit, Adam she is shot. ''What'' i hear Adam's voice far away. ''She has to get out of here, all of us, you find Juliette i will keep Y/n safe'' Kenji screams at him while putting pressure on my stomach.

I see Adam look at me, he is terrified. We all are. I make a wave sign for him to get the hell out of here i'll be fine. He nods and starts making his way to Juliette. ''Don't let anything happen to her Kenji '' Just get the hell out of here Kent"

Kenji is back focusing just on me. ''You're gonna have to trust me now princess, you have to be very silent''. I nod its the only thing i can do.

I felt myself being pulled up in bridal style and saw us starting to move. We just walked to the backdoor. No gunshots firing at us just casually walking passed the soldiers. When i wanted to ask Kenji what the hell is happening i looked up. 


I looked under me. Nothing. 

I looked at myself. Nothing. 

I guess Kenji feels me moving and panicking so he brings me up close '' shhh you're okay, i'm here''.  You're safe! --- To Be Continued

Author's note: 

Next chapter.... Warner!

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