Show Your Talent

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Harmony and Edric walk the hallway hand and hand, they look to see many student at one of the Hexside  school board. "Umm, Hey Ed. What do you think is going on over there?"

Edric:"Um, I don't know but Em is running over here from there."


Harmony:"What up Em?"

Emira:"Guys guess what is on the Hexside school board today?"

Ed and Harmony:"We haven't seen yet."

Emira:"Well guys the school is having a talent show."

Edric:" How are they having a talent show when the parnoratorium is destroyed and is closed for repairs."

Emira:"They're having it at the gym."

Harmony:"T-Talent s-s-show a-at s-s-s-school?"

Edric:"Hey, hey relax for me sweet owl okay." As he hugs her. Harmony hugs him back.

Willow, Luz, and Gus:"HARMONY! Harmony!"

Amity:"Guys wait!"

The twins and Harmony see the four young teen run to them. Luz, Willow, and Gus trip in front of the older three teen. " Oh titan, Luz, Willow, Gus you guys okay? And why are you guys run?"

Willow:"We saw the talent  show on the school board today. Gus, Luz, and I are going to be in it. But I can't say if Amity going to be in it or not."

Amity:"You guys can fun with it because I know that Ed and Em are definitely going to be in the show."

Ed and Em:"Yes, We are going to be in the show, so people can see amazing illusion skills we have." They smirk to everyone around them.

Luz:"So Harmony are going to be in it?"

Harmony:"Sorry luz, but no just no I got stage fright bad."

Willow and Gus:"Please Harmony, We love your bard skills. And your sing is absolutely beautiful."

Luz:"You can sing!"

Harmony:"I'm not that good okay."

Edric:"Not that good, now that's a joke. You sang to Mittens, when our parents make Mittens break her friendship with um..."

Harmony:"Willow her name is Willow, Ed dear."

Willow:"Wait! What?"

Amity:"ED! NO!"

Harmony:"I did the same for Willow, Gus, and King when they were little."

Willow and Gus:"HARMONY!"

Luz:"Awe, So cute."

Harmony:"Yeah, it is cute."

Emira:"Hey ED remember Harmony sing for us when we were younger. And how you would sing with her."

Edric:"Em! No!" He blushes very red.

Harmony:"Oh, I remember that Em called us the 'Awkward Duet', Man those days were fun."

Luz:"You guys sang together in the past?! Oh wait you guys can sing together in the talent show."

Harmony:"Luz I-"Before she say more the bell scream for the next class to start. "Uh, Ed, Em lets go to class okay."

Hours later

As school was over the three older teens walk out of the front doors. Harmony and the twins talk with one other, as three young teens run out the doors and down the stairs to the older teens.

Harmony:"Hey Luz, Tell mom that I'll be home later day. I have practice with my bard teacher."

Luz:"I will tell Eda for you."

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