Chapter 7: Liars, you mean!

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Few months have passed. The Second Sister has definitely joined the Inquisitors, and the Third Sister is still in training due to her young age. But she will be part of it. Vader, therefore, trained her in a duel, and she was very talented. She doesn't even have to learn the way other Inquisitors have learned, because she's just too good.

But something bothers the Sith... He starts to hear rumors about something, and he doesn't like it. Then these rumors are that of the presence of a Jedi on a planet, a Jedi that he rubbed shoulders with a lot before. The more time passes, the more the rumors seem trustworthy.

Obi-Wan Kenobi... His former Master. Probably training young Jedi.

After talking to the Grand Inquisitor about this, the Inquisitors go to seek more information on this, because Vader is impatient. When it comes to Kenobi, he can't wait. It's impossible.

Other months pass and the Inquisitors return during one of their missions with a young Jedi who knows Kenobi, so he would have information on his position. A part from the Inquisitors brings the very hurt Jedi into the interrogation room.

"Second Sister." Called Vader.

"Yes, my lord." She responded.

"If I remember correctly, I didn't teach you how to interrogate around here." He said looking at her.

"Indeed." She nods

"Then stay. The others, go away." He orders the other Inquisitors.

After these words, all the Inquisitors except the Second Sister leave the room.

The Sith and the Second Sister turn to the Jedi, bound and nearly dying.

"I will ask you this only once, where is Obi-Wan?" Asked the Sith, approaching him.

"I don't know where he is, I promise." Said the young Jedi scared by the masked person in front of him.

Darth Vader grabs his throat and starts squeezing it violently more and more.

"Don't lie to me!" He shouted punching the Jedi in the face.

The young man struggles to breathe with the pressure the Sith puts on his throat, even to speak.

"I- I promise..." he whispered out of breath.

Vader twists his neck, killing him instantly.

"So this is the way to interrogate?" Asked the Second Sister.

"Yes." simply responds the Sith, releasing the Jedi's throat.

"Then thank you for the lesson, my lord." She said greeting him before leaving the room.

"There's someone out there for you." She added

"Let him in." he orders turning around.

A Close Trooper enters the room with good news. Then Trilla, the Second Sister, stays in the door frame to listen to the conversation.

"I have news, my lord. It seems that a group of surviving Jedi is gathering on Kessel. And according to the information, Obi-Wan in person would be present there." announced the Clone trooper.

The Second Sister chuckles softly because of the timing.

"Well that's good news." she said smiling a bit.

"Prepare my ship. I'm going alone." he orders to the Clone, then leaves to get ready in his room.

The Second Sister follows him.

"You won't go there alone." She said arriving next to him.

"You cannot give me orders, you are under my command. And my order to you is to stay on Coruscant until my return."

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