Pokeshipping: Leopard print

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"No! Ashy-boy still hasn't kissed any girl, remember?"

Ash looked slightly the other way and tried to ignore hard the current conversation.

"See? He doesn't even know we're talking about him! What a loser."

"I think you should stop picking on him, Gary."

"You don't tell me what to do! I've known Ash since God-knows-what. He knows me well. He doesn't get upset over what I say."

Gary turned toward his childhood friend and grinned. "Right, Ash?"

"Huh?" Ash took off his earphones, faking having not heard anything. His iPod was turned off anyway.

"Pfft, he wasn't even listening. Never mind."

Playing dense was the best option for Ash sometimes. It saved him so much pain and time, and he didn't have to deal with drama. His mother always tells him that he hears what he wants to hear.

It was his strategy to survive being the stupid loser of his family and the struggle of having a crush on Misty Williams and not having the guts to tell her.

Ash had so many other things worth thinking about; like leveling up at school; controlling his appetite, proving himself to his father and brothers... the last thing he needed to worry about is trying to get Misty, let alone getting the first kiss.

He had to stop being such a loser first, then maybe, just maybe... Misty would notice him.

When he first asked her for her phone number, his hands were shaking so much he dropped his phone flat on the screen and it shattered (it was another sign he was a loser). It took Ash a lifetime to convince his father to give him the money to fix the screen. Unlike his brothers, he had to beg to get anything.

Ash was really tired of being the loser of the town. Even Gary and his friends treated him like one—they called him a loser. No girl wanted to do anything with him. Not even the thirsty freshmen –as Gary calls them- cared about his existence.

He was freaking tired of this.

"I'm going to go kiss Misty, and now."

Drew choked on his soda. Gary gasped. Paul didn't really give a damn about anything. He was busy playing Need For Speed on his phone.

"What the f*ck?"

"I will, just watch me." Ash got up and left his three friends behind, still at the bench.

"Ash! Don't be stupid! She's going to smack you!"

"He's just joking. He won't kiss her."

"Don't come crying to me later, Ashy-boy!"

Ash walked in fast steps to the bench where Misty sat down all by herself. She was messing with her phone.

"Hey Misty."

Misty looked up. She beamed when she saw Ash. "Hi Ash! Long time no see!"

"Uhm, yeah..."

"Sit down!" said Misty as she shoved to the side and let Ash sit beside her. It was a plus point for the raven haired. He was sure his friends were watching him from behind. "So?"

"Can I ask you a favor, Misty?"


"Well, my friends..." Ash had to think of something, and quick. "Gary dared me."

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