Chapter 33

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AN: apologies for the delay, I was experiencing writers block :(

Elias' POV

"Come on slow poke." Kai nudges me on the shoulder slightly, passing me to walk beside Silas. "Not already tired are you?" He asks, looking back at me.

We have been training for the past hour and a half, now adventuring outside our packs borders to continue. Silas mentioned previously that there has been activity outside our borders recently, so scouting the area with the group would be good experience.

"Of course not," I respond back to Kai, jogging a little to catch up to them, the rest of the few pack members who came along with us following behind us.

I've noticed the way my pack members have looked at me differently recently. The news spread like wildfire that I was mated with the "enemy". Gossip about my mate, myself, as well as whether I would keep my rank within the pack has been whispered about. I knew this would happen once people found out, but I hated being the centre of attention.

"Also, question," Kai speaks up again, disrupting me in my thoughts, "what was that that you pulled off yesterday? Don't tell me you're forcing me to be friends with them, especially Blaze."

I couldn't help the eye roll, "I'm not forcing you to be friends with them, but Ryder is my mate and I would appreciate it if you would get along with him and his friends, or at least tame the bickering between you and Blaze," I explain to my best friend.

Kai quietly groans, "I'm fine with Ryder, but Arabella and Blaze," he sighs dramatically, "they get on my nerves." Silas laughs at little at his misery. "Come on Silas, you agree with me, right?" Kai asks him, hugging onto his arm, trying to persuade him into agreeing with him.

"I agree that Arabella is annoying but you seem to be the only target for Blaze in particular, so that doesn't really harm me, and I've already promised to be civil with Ryder for Elias, so unfortunately can't help you out bud," Silas responds with a smile.

"You're no fun," Kai grunts, letting go of Silas' arm and attempting to push him away with little luck making Silas laugh.

Silas hugs a pouting Kai, "I love you loser, you'll live." I can't help but laugh my friends, knowing that Kai wouldn't stay mad for long. It was endearing seeing them showing their love for each other through physical touch and words of affirmation.

"Alpha," a pack member behind us captures our attention, making us stop in our tracks. "George is missing."

Silas let's go of Kai, turning to face Altas, a close friend of ours with Maverick standing beside him. "What do mean George is missing?" he asks Altas in confusion. I notice the rest of our pack members are looking around the forest surrounding us trying to find a trace of George.

"I'm not sure how Alpha, but George was behind us and when we looked back he was no longer there," Altas explains, "there was no noise or indication that he left the group."

Silas' hesitates as he tries to process the information, while I look down at the dirt on the ground, however there is no evidence of George walking off. Finally, Silas nods his head a little as he speaks up, "spilt into two groups and scout the area, use the mind link to communicate," Silas calls out and people begin to move into each of the groups. Altas and Maverick lead the second group while Silas, Kai and I lead ours in the opposite direction.

"Should we inform your father?" Kai asks Silas and I wait for his response as well.

Silas hesitates, "not yet, George might of just got lost, he might've went to pee or something," Silas reaffirms. Kai nods, but we were all still on edge.

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