making cookies for my love!

698 14 23

Ship: Briffin.

Griffin's POV:

I looked, at the ingredients on the table and I was more than.. Lost what was I even supposed to do first? If I make the cookies myself it might taste like absolute shit, and billy might want to break up with me! Okay, he probably wont do that but.. I still shouldn't bake cook? What's the difference by myself! I'll just call a bunch of my friends asking, if they'll help or not.

"Hey! Finney wanna hel-"

He hanged up.


He also hanged up..




Still no.

"Gwen???? Please, PLEASE can you come and help me with something?"

"Sure!! Can, Donna come too??"

"Yeah! Yes, whatever just hurry and come over."


She hanged up.

I waited "patiently" counting, the time.. It's not like, I had to make cookies? Or whatever the hell I'm trying to make.. It's just billy always gets me gifts so! I wanna make him something or cook../ bake.


I jumped, up and ran over to the kitchen window, seeing gwen and donna standing there donna, waved with a smile while gwen "nicely" asked me to open the door.

I opened it, waiting for them to get it in they did so I slammed it shut.

"Sooooo? Why'd you want us to come over!! Did, you and billy break up? And you called us for support."

"No! No, I need.. Help with uhm baking.."

"Oo! I love baking."

"Wait- your gay??"

Donna out of no where asked.

"No.. I'm pansexual? But why does that matter."

"Sorry, for asking- I don't really know why I asked."

"Okay? Then.."

I went over with gwen to the cabinet with gwen.

"So! What exactly are we making??"

"Uughg.. I don't know."

"Okay! So cookies it is."

Gwen said, taking ingredients and stuff. She took, a bowl putting random things in it.

"Kay So now I'm going throw the whole thing in the oven!! And let it cook."

"Great idea!!"

I swear, I closed my eyes for I second I woke up to see gwen running around the house, yelling fire and donna attempting to put out the fire.

"G-GUYS? What the hell happened!"

"Uh.. So, basically you fell asleep and gwen thought to put it up for some reason and I told her no so basically we fought and broke.. The handle so it started a fire AND NOW! IM TRYING!! TO PUT IT OUT."

Donna said, obviously in a panic.. I wasn't scared cause this isn't the first time this has happened.

"FUCK! The poor cookies.. Will be burnt now."

"GRIFFIN! The cookies, are the least of our worries."

I threw some water at it hoping it would go out Luckily it stopped.. I ran to the oven taking the cookies out forgetting to wear oven mites.

"Oh.. They're burnt, well he won't notice right guys?"

I asked, both donna and gwen they both nodded they're head but looked unsure.

"Okay! Thanks bye guys- it was nice hanging out I'm going to invite billy over so leave thanks."

I basically pushed them out then shut the door I was really proud of myself for making something!

I ran to the phone calling Billy's number and screaming for him to come over he said yes and asked me to never scream in the phone again because he almost went deaf I hanged up And waited. Finally after 2 hours there was a knock on the door I opened it and hugged who I thought was billy.

"Get the fuck off me!"

I looked up to see vance and Bruce standing next to him.

I let go.

"Hey! Your not my boyfriend, leave!!"

"Damn- okay?"

They left. I sighed and was about to shut the door again until I saw billys bike coming to my house I smiled and ran to it and hugged billy.

"Hey! Sorry.. I'm late, griff."

"It's fine.. It's fine you don't have to stay anyway I just wanted you to have these!"

I gave him the cookies and looked at him with a smile.

"Oh thank you! Well.. I'm going to go lov-"

"Aren't you going to try them?"

"Uh.. Yeah of course."

He took one hesitantly eating it some tears ran down his face as he ate it.

"So is it good?"

"U-uh yeah.. It's definitely something."

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