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Wolf says "Your kidding me right? You don't know how to tell who's Wolf? Your sense of smell must suck" Beth says "Sense of smell?" Wolf says "Your hopeless i'm Wolf and so are you" Beth says "Your Wolf? Please teach me your ways!" Wolf says "Fine just know you've got a lot to learn about little cub now follow me I need to buy milk" Beth says "M.i.l.k?" Wolf says "It's a drink" Wolf and Beth go to a store and look for milk. Beth looks around at everything in amazement and wonder. Wolf says "This must be your first time in a store you've really got a lot to learn follow under me and you'll get there eventually my first student still hasen't fully learned to control her Wolf power although she's almost there another year and she'll be able to fully control her Wolf power she's gifted it's amazeing before we started she knew virtually nothing about her Wolf Power or what a Wolf is i'm impressed in that talent she has" Beth says "What's she like?" Wolf says "She's like Wolf" Beth says in her head "Looks like his view on life and everything and anything is warped especally his veiw of Wolf" Beth says "How long did it take you to learn how to use your Wolf Power and learn what Wolf is?" Wolf says "You serious that you know nothing about your Wolf Power?" Beth says in her head "It's no use he's just going to change the subject he's likely the most tortured person to live his mind is completely set on Wolf is everything what happened that made him this way?" Beth says "That's right I know nothing at all" 

The Conqueror Book 9 The Rise of BethWhere stories live. Discover now