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Wolf looks at Beth and says "Anything for you Wolf" Wendy says "Just do it I think it might be getting worse" Beth says "As you wish" Beth activates the power of the Mind Controlling Sword and uses it on Wolf. This allows her to enter his mind she sees past events unfolding around her. Beth says "So this is what being inside of someone's head is like?" It doesn't take long for Beth to find the problems that damaged Wolf's brain. She watches them in horror pity sympathy empathy and hate. In the first memory it's a baby Wolf who is taken from his parents without seeing them he was taken by a man who says "Hello little guy are you ready to see if this new serum of mine can really prevent one from dying by giving them immortality?" The man forces Baby Wolf to drink the serum and Wolf glows only for a second. The man then says "NOW THEN SURVIVE THE TEST LITTLE GUY!" The man drops Baby Wolf over a clif then goes to find Baby Wolf. After seeing the Man Baby Wolf cries. The man says "Don't cry your going to be an ultimate weapon of mass destructrion!" The man takes The baby into a room that looks like a Torture Chamber then ties him to a pole then tortures him day and night saying "WOLF NEEDS TO BE NUMBER ONE BECAUSE WOLF CAN'T BE STOPED BECAUSE WOLF IS EVERYTHING AND ALL THAT IS IMPORTANT!" The man takes the serum of Immortality and continues this testing and torture for five billion years. Whenever Wolf grows too old he would die and would be reborn and then everything would continue over and over again.

The Conqueror Book 9 The Rise of BethWhere stories live. Discover now