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They are evenly matched and then it stops. Soul Stealer says "YOUR MUCH STRONGER THEN THE OTHERS AND STRONGER THEN YOU KNOW THAT ATTACK WAS POWERFUL ENOUGH TO TAKE THE SOUL OF SAVAGE BEFORE HE WENT BACK TO TRAINING AFTER LOSEING TO WOLF AND YOU WERE ABLE TO SURVIVE IT THAT'S HOW YOU CAN TELL THAT YOU MIGHT SURPASS YOUR BROTHER ALSO IT GAVE ME MORE THEN ENOUGH INFORMATION SO THANKS UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN AND BE SURE TO TRAIN BETH I WOULD REALLY APRECIATE IT GOOD BYE!" Soul Stealer vanishes without a trace. Monster says "He was holding back on that attack I can tell that if he really wanted to he could've just used the true power of that attack and steal my soul in ten seconds or less and i've got the feeling that he has more attacks then just that one anyway Beth from what I hear you are trying to learn to use Elemental Power and learn to use Light Energy but tell me something why just that?" Beth says "Well as it stands now those are the last powers that a good person can master well the last ones for me cause i've mastered everything else" Monster says "That's rather impressive for a young person such as you but what about the power of healing? You need a Healing Factor if your going to be a fighter because waiting and hopeing someone will come to help you is not a smart thing to do so which would you like to learn first?" Beth says "All of it" Monster says "In here a week is a day for normal people a month here is about three days and a year is a week or longer how long will it take you to learn it all?" 

The Conqueror Book 9 The Rise of BethWhere stories live. Discover now