kiddings; 1.11

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When the bell rang to signal the end of lunch, the girl's friends let out a cacophonous chorus of goodbyes and less obvious 'awes' as the boy and the girl stood to leave for their long trek to the art room. The two gave waves and smiles, then began to push their way through the rushing crowd, the boy standing slightly in front of the girl so that she wouldnt get run down (for he knew she got rather uncomfortable in large groups of people and because of her short figure, she often was easily pushed around by her taller peers.) The gesture, which didn't take her long to figure out, had her lips turned up in a wide smile.

When they finally escaped the large rush in the cafeteria and made it into a hallway, the crowd had thinned, Rosy Cheeks fell back into step with her, and looked down at her with his brown eyes twinkling. "I'm almost done with my painting." He said, his nose scrunching a tad from his smile.

The girl's eyes widened as she looked up at him abruptly, "Really?" She asked, biting back a grin. "When do I get to see it?"

They had both agreed they wouldn't show each other their paintings until they were ready to, but it drove the girl rather mad. She'd always had terrible patience when it came to surprises.

The boy rolled his eyes, yet he still held a smile. "Patience, oh Pale Eyes." He replied, nudging her shoulder with his elbow. "Maybe I'll show it to you.. some day."

The girl gasped and smacked his arm lightly. She almost believed his joke, but then froze for a second. "Wait. You are kidding right?" She questioned.

Rosy Cheeks stayed silent and looked straight ahead, attempting to keep a straight face.

"You are kidding? I didn't hear your tone wrong?" She pressed, suddenly getting worried. "Please tell me you're not going to keep this from me."

He looked down at her and his nose scrunched again while he smiled widely. "Of course I'm kidding, Pale Eyes." He finally answered with a deep laugh. His eyes were shining and cheeks returned to their usual pink pigment. "I'd never do that to you."

The girl narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms over her chest. When she didn't say anything, the boy frowned slightly and nudged her again. "Hey, I was just joking." He said softly, as they approached the art room at last.

Although her facial expression didn't show it, she was practically smirking on the inside, as the boy began to frantically apologize. When her façade finally broke, and she began to giggle, Rosy Cheeks released a loud sigh. Then he started to laugh himself.

"You almost had me worried there." He mumbled, opening the classroom door for her.

The girl raised an eyebrow and tilted her head at him while they walked into the room, "Almost?" After they walked in, the two greeted their art teacher in turn.

The boy shook his head slowly and closed his eyes. "Not almost, you really worried me." He muttered, his eyes opening again.

"Did you really think I'd be that shallow?" She questioned, as the two collected their art things, and made their way to their

"No, no." Rosy Cheeks blurted, his chocolate eyes wide. "Of course not." He paused for a moment to find this words he wanted to say, while setting up his desk the way he always had it. "I just.. was afraid I'd crossed a line? I know that you aren't always a fan of teasing and stuff so-"

The girl cut him off as she pulled the desktop up in the 'easel' stance. "I don't mind banter," she said softly, her eyes twinkling up at him. "Don't worry about actually angering me, it isn't easy."

The boy nodded slowly, his stance becoming a bit more relaxed. They were silent for awhile as they began to work. During the quietness, the girl realized how easily her mind had slipped from her worry about the boy (It scared her how he distracted her from her constant anxiety.) She wondered what she should say to him, or if she should say anything at all. Reluctantly, she decided on the latter. At least for the moment.

So then the two, who loved art so much, carried on with their paintings for the rest of the class period. It gave them an excuse to stare at each other; to study each other's faces; unlike before when they had no reason. And for once, the girl didn't feel shy at someone being so near to her and looking directly at her.


Bella's note: I wasn't sure how to write a chapter after the previous one. This is more of a filler, so for that I'm sorry. Two chapters from now, theres going to be a surprise :-)

Have a lovely day to all my beautiful readers! We've made it to #15 on the charts and that's absolutely ludicrous to me! Thank you so much!

And don't forget, feedback is always welcome and appreciated!

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