Chapter 65

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Later that day, Ana was busy, doing a photoshoot for a magazine for the hundredth time or something?. She's been doing it since she was 15, and yet, she still got it! After that's done, she went to her dressing her, getting dressed, and putting some make-up on. She looks in the mirror, thinking about the time, when she told Jim and Ed about her pregnancy, and the paternity of who's the father?"


Since she found out she's pregnant, Ana has to figured it out, how to tell them? But the big question that's been on her mind is "who's the father?" Unfortunately, she has to wait for a least, 2 weeks for it. But for now, she's gonna have to tell them. She texted both of them, to meet her at her club tonight, because she wants to tell them something important. She hopes things will go alright?

Later that night, both of them showed up at Ana's club, thinking what's so important, that Ana wanted to talk? Ana handed them their drinks, and they sit at a booth. Ana took some deep breathes, and just blurted out, "I'm pregnant". She then shows them the pregnancy test that's in a little plastic bag. She also said that one of them might be the father?, and that they had to wait for 2 weeks, or more? for a paternity test.

Both Jim and Ed, were stunned! Ana is waiting for a response for them yet. Truthfully, she's very nervous of what their reactions will be? What if they're not happy? I mean, what will other say? What if Jim loses his job, for having relations with a criminal? Or if Riddler doesn't want anything to do with this? Ana starts to feel regret by telling them about it. She was about to leave, holding up tears, when she was stopped by Jim, holding her hand. Jim says that he's very happy, and always wanted to have kids someday. He doesn't give a damn what people say! Ed said that he's also happy, scared at first, cause he doesn't know how to be a good father? due to his rough childhood. But he will do anything, to be there.

Ana was
trilled! They both wanted to be there for the baby! Even through one of them may or may not be the father? This made her started to cry, with tears of joy! 2 weeks later, Ana returned to the Narrows infirmary, with Jim and Ed, to do the paternity test, and an ultra sound. But first, Ana wanted to do the ultra sound first, to see everything's alright? 15 minutes later, Ana was laying on the table-bed thing? while Lee put some gel onto Ana's stomach, and uses the wand thing to move it around her stomach, and see what's up on the monitor, stopping occasionally to tap a few buttons on the keyboard as they all wait with bated breath. Finally, after what feels like an interminable age, she turns to them and smiles, and tilts the monitor around so all three of them can see the screen clearly.

Everything is hazy and grey, with large black shadows and white spots that make it somewhat difficult to make out any clear details. But the contour of Charles' womb is unmistakeable, as is the shape of what is clearly a baby; or rather, the shapes of two babies laying side by side.

Two heads.

Two bodies.

Two babies.

Lee congratulates them, by saying they're expecting twins. All three we're stunned. Twins?! That's something Ana wasn't expecting? But no matter, what matter's is they'll love them regardless. Afterwards, Lee asked them for cheek swab, and a blood sample from Ana, and told them to wait for a few days for the results. Ana sigh, great! Another few days! Later at the GCPD, Jim told Harvey about the baby. Harvey doesn't know what to say? He's kinda pissed at Jim for "knocking up" Penguin!, since she's still a criminal after all. But Jim assured him that whoever the baby's father is? He'll be there for when he/she is born. Back at the Narrows, Ed is in the restroom, washing his face, when, his persona, the Riddler is in the mirror. He taunts Ed about how he will be a bad father, and he'll screwed up this child's life! Ed shouted at him to LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! Then, he punched the mirror, shattering it, and his hand starts bleeding. He had Lee stitch him up. He won't tell Ana or Jim about it.

A few days later, All three came back at the Narrows infirmary, and this time, Dr. Hugo Strange is here. He explains to them that Lee had a emergency surgery to perform, and will take a long time to finished, so he volunteer. Ana doesn't like that! She doesn't like Hugo either! He gives her the creeps. You see, Hugo Strange, is obsessed with Penguin. He finds her "smart, tough", and her beauty is "exquisite"! Jim and Ed didn't like Hugo too, on the count that he keeps staring at her for a long time, and in a creepy way. Jim threatens to arrest him, if he continues to stare at her like that! Hugo then focus on the test results and finds it "interesting"?

He tells them that both Jim and Ed are both the father of the twins! All three we're in shocked and said "WHAT?!" at the same time. Hugo explains to them that sometimes, sperm from two men can fertilize two ova within the same cycle, resulting in fraternal twins. It's known as 'superfecundation'. It is very rare! Then, Hugo congratulate them as they are now the proud parents of a set of healthy, fraternal twins. Then, Ana starts laughing. All three men we're confused at this sudden laughter? She joked that "at least, the babies will get extra presents for birthdays and holidays!"


After she finished with her make-up and hair, Ana left the studio and heads to her mansion, feeling very exhausted from the long photoshoot, and her pregnancy. She went inside, went up the stairs, into her bedroom, and lays in her bed, sleeping til Jim or Ed shows up.

Meanwhile, we see Barbara, in a hospital, still in the coma from being shot by Butch. Fortunately, the bullet didn't hit the fatal arteries, or any fatal spots. Then, all of a sudden, Barbara slowly opens her eyes. She wonders "what happened?" All she remembered is that he and Tabby were fighting, and then--It hit her! She realized that Tabitha, and Butch plot together, to rid of her! She's pissed! When she gets outta here!, she'll have their heads!

At Ivy's place, Selina lays in the couch, still feeling nauseous. She wonders "why?" She already took a pregnancy test, and it came back negative! So why she feels this way? Ivy walk towards her, with a cup of tea. She said that "maybe, she should see a doctor?" Selina hesitated. She doesn't like doctors. Thinking they always tell bad news or something? But Ivy insisted. Maybe Ivy's right? She needs to know what's going on with her health? Ivy make the appointment with Dr.Lee for tomorrow, hopefully, things will turned alright?

The next day, Selina is in the Narrows infirmary, nervously waiting for Lee. Lee is the only doctor that she knows, and trusted. 6 minutes later, Lee shows up, with the results. She gives her the news that she's 1 month pregnant. Selina was in shock! She didn't understand?! How can she be pregnant?! She already took a pregnancy test, and it came back negative?! And she only had sex 1 time! Lee explains to her that sometimes, pregnancy tests are not always accurate, and weather it's her first time or second? or if someone uses protection?, it can still happened. Now, Selina doesn't know what to do? How can she take care of a child? She can hardly take care of herself, much less a child! And her mother is not exactly a good role model either. But what's more is how Bruce is gonna react to this?! Would he want to take care of the child?

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