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chapter three:ralph macchio

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chapter three:
ralph macchio


MAX HAD SUGGESTED that they all have a sleepover, and who was Serenity to say no?

She had driven them back to Hopper's cabin, where they had instantly sat themselves in Eleven's bedroom. Max had turned on the radio so the room wasn't completely silent. Eleven sat on the bed flipping through some magazines they had bought, nodding her head along to the music. Meanwhile, Serenity stood in front of the mirror, braiding the end of the second French braid she had put in her hair. Angel by Madonna had come on, and she was singing softly to herself, her eyes trained on the reflection of her hair.

"You must be an angel," Max sang dramatically into Eleven's hairbrush, skipping around the room. "I can see it in your eyes."

Max then stopped by Serenity, a wide grin on her face. She pointed the hairbrush to Serenity, who rolled her eyes fondly.

"Full of wonder and surprise," Serenity recited, her and Max falling into small laughter afterwards.

Max suddenly turned back to look at Eleven, setting down the hairbrush and kneeling next to the bed. "Oh, you found Ralph Macchio."

Serenity tied off her braid with a hair tie and turned back around, sitting herself down on Eleven's bed next to her. Sure enough, Eleven had stumbled across a poster of Ralph Macchio in one of the magazines. Serenity smiled down at the poster, but hey, how could she not? Ralph Macchio was ridiculously cute.

"Macchio?" Eleven repeated.

"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid," Max continued. "Hi-yah!" She imitated a karate chop, and all three of them giggled. "He's so hot, right? I bet he's an amazing kisser, too."

Serenity sighed dreamily. "One can only wish to be Elisabeth Schue."

"Hey, uh . . ." Max pushed herself up to sit across from Serenity on the bed. "Is Mike a good kisser?"

Somehow, when Serenity agreed to this sleepover, she did not think about this topic coming up. Talking about her children, kissing? Oh God.

"I don't know," El answered. "He's my first boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend," Max corrected.

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘  ―  s. harrington ²  ✓Where stories live. Discover now