Chapter 53

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I could not sleep for the rest of the night. Thinking of what I dreamt was a sign. I did t want to believe it no way. I get it I may look crazy but I'm an over thinker and I don't know. I heard the door close I looked at the clock it read 12:55 I didn't want to get up tho. We left in 2 days it was sad but I just wanted to be home. I stayed in the hotel room for a while. I took a bath and just thought to myself. Wondering what I should do. Should I tell Vance oh god why is this happing to me. After my bath I got changed Into a swim suit and headed down. I grabbed a book before doing so.

I walked out and walked to the front lobby. I was minding my business until I saw the person from my dreams. He was at the front desk and once he looked up he smiled. But not a friendly smile a creepy smile. I stopped in my tracks and rubbed my eyes. Once opened again he wasn't there. This shit is freaky. I walked to the DIG which led out ti the sun pool and the beach. I saw Mary and walked over. "Hey took you long enough what happened" I just told her everything. "Omg jay that's so bad I don't think vance is using you I think he just wants some but once you said no he stopped but the guy is a creepy thing" she said. "Yeah I just don't know what to do man" I laid back in my chair and just kept my mind off things

Vance came out of the water I could feel him sit on the chair. I could tell he shook his head I felt the water splash me. I just kept laying out. The next 2 days went by quick in a blink of an eye I was back home in bed sleeping. I got up and got dressed. I didn't go all out I was lazy. I just went to school in the cloths I slept in and didn't do make up. I walked to school today it was cold but nice. I got to class and sat with my friend Jada and Ryan. We talked until we actually had to do work.

Next period I was with Vance. I sat in my seat but today he sat not next to me he sat next to James. James was an ass he thought he was better then everyone and thought we owed him the world. I was mad at Vance like what did I do. The following periods came and went. It was lunch now and I sat at my table. Everyone was normal and nice. Vance sat next to me ok maybe I was over reacting. I went to grab his hand under the table and but as soon as my skin touched his he snatched his hand away.

I felt hurt I felt alone. I excused myself to the bathroom. Once I got in the bathroom I broke down. Why was he acting different why was he acting like this. Is he just using me does he not really like me. Crying in the carrot of the bathroom floor I heard the door open. I tried to wipe my tears away fast but they saw me. It was ms.Pam she was the security guard she liked me. "Oh baby what's the matter" she said walking over to me and sitting down. "It's probably nothing I'm just over reacting but my boyfriend has been acting distant and I don't know what I did wrong" I said looking at her.

"Oh baby boys are stupid they don't think before they act you probably haven't done anything wrong he's just in a bad mood give it a day or 2 and if still nothing DUMP HIS ASS" she said trying to cheer me up. I will admit she made me laugh an little. She hugged me and walked me back to my table once we reached the table she gave vance the nastiest look. He just ignored me and the ms.Pam. I sat on the other side and was quiet for the most part.

I just didn't want to start anything and shit so I left it as is I don't know maybe I'm just being insecure.

Hey guys thank y'all for giving me time to be sad but I'm back and hoping I didn't hurt anyone by not posting but I'm back now so I love y'all and thank y'all for 22k reads like what the hell

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