the fake girlfriend.

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now starting . . . ACT TWO !

the fake girlfriend.

ACT TWOthe fake girlfriend

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ARLO HAD TRUDGED HIS FEET ALONG the glossy floor, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of dried up blood that had now dripped over his eyebrow.

The mall was packed, voices filling his ears while he kept his black hoodie up. Making his way through the crowded area, his eyes set on one place.

Scoops Ahoy.

He always went to Steve when he was hurt, liking the small amount of attention that the boy had given him when he was hurt.

The attention he got was rare, which made it so addicting to Arlo.

He also liked the level of comfort Steve had provided him, even if the Harrington boy never knew the real reason for his bruises.

When he reached Scoops Ahoy he pulled his hoodie off his head, his eyes landing on Steve. The boy had been taking a few girls orders, his eyes holding their usual charm.

Once Steve had noticed his friend's presence his attention turned to him. His smirk dropping, hr then turned back to the girls. His voice rushed. "Listen, ladies, i'd love to stay and talk but I—Robin's going to take your order—"

The boy then placed his hands on Robin's shoulders, the girl was previously cleaning the icecream scoops. Her task being put on hold as Steve volunteered her to take the orders.

Her face held a certain amount of annoyance, which she attempted to hide as she smiled at the teens. Beginning to do what Steve should've been doing.

Steve then rounded the corner, meeting Arlo half way once he did so.

When he reached him he sighed, gesturing the boy to follow him to the back. Which he automatically complied to.

LOUD AND CLEAR. steve harrington Where stories live. Discover now