CH-4: Turbo's Turn

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The next morning was definitely rather circuit-wracking for TurboRacer. He was all worried about asking Magnia to the dance. But sooner or later he bucked up and remembered that they were good friends so he had nothing to lose. He was wondering though if this would get Magnia to like him, and if he should admit his feelings to her soon after the dance. All he needed to prepare for was to ask her to the dance and prepare for it, that was all that needed to be done for now.

It was soon after their last exercise and the dance was that night. He still had plenty of mega-cycles to prepare, but the time had come now for him to face his fears.

"Alright, guys, this is it! I'm gonna do it!" he told Bumblebee and Bulkhead.

"Do what?" Bulkhead asked.

"He's gonna ask Scarlet out to the dance, of course!" Bumblebee answered.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah... my bad." Bulkhead said.

"Well, here it goes! Cross your servos, guys!" With that, TurboRacer walked out of his dorm to find Scarlet-Falcon. TurboRacer went over to her dorm, but it was empty. So he tried to see if he could ask someone. He soon saw Chromia and Ironhide walking by holding hands. He could tell that Ironhide had already asked her out to the dance. "Hey guys. You seen Scarlet anywhere around?" he asked.

"Oh hey, Turbo! Scarlet? Dunno, I saw her go that way a few cycles ago." Chromia answered.

"Oh. Okay, just gotta go ask her something. See you guys there!" TurboRacer replied.

It seemed Ironhide had changed a bit. He must've been spending enough time around Chromia to be a lot nicer than before now. TurboRacer was glad he found someone better than Wasp to be around and had changed. But now back to business. Scarlet-Falcon was standing over in front of a building waiting around. She didn't see TurboRacer yet, he was standing on the other side of the corner preparing himself.

"Okay, Turbo..." TurboRacer said to himself. "This is it, just be brave, okay? Just say, something like 'Hey, Scarlet. I'm heading over to the dance, care to join me?' or something like that. It doesn't matter, just spit it out without a problem, okay? Okay, it's time. He I go!" He went around the corner to meet her. "Hey, Scarlet?" He said nervously.

"Oh hey, Turbo!" Scarlet-Falcon noticed him and smiles in reply.

"Hey, I was just wondering. I'm going to the dance, you... wanna join me?" Turbo mentally cringed; it didn't come out as he had planned, but he said it quickly without stuttering and got her attention.

"Oh... well, thanks for asking Turbo, but... Wasp has kinda already asked me out." Scarlet-Falcon revealed to TurboRacer.

"That's right!" Wasp announces, coming around the other corner.

"Oh, there you are, Wasp." Scarlet-Falcon said, turning around to see him.

"You ready to go?" Wasp asked.

"Sure am." Scarlet-Falcon acknowledged.

Now things had just gone bad. It was as he feared: Wasp had already asked her out! But how? He must've found a time to ask her out real quick some time that day between exercises, or maybe he DID ask her out during the drill yesterday! Well, however or whenever he did it, it was already too late. Axle had lost his chance; Scarlet-Falcon was taken, and Wasp had her now!

"I'm sorry you couldn't go with me, Turbo, but thanks for asking." Scarlet-Falcon said turning back to TurboRacer.

TurboRacer was still so devastated, but he tried putting on a very fake smile while answering her. "Uh... yeah... yeah, it's okay... um... I'll see you then... bye..." He said quietly.

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