the primitive constructs.

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the primitive constructs.

ACT TWOthe primitive constructs

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     ARLO KEPT HIS EYES trained on Steve as the brunette looked through the binoculars, he had been assigned the duty of spotting any evil Russians; which was difficult seeing as he didn't know what to look for

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     ARLO KEPT HIS EYES trained on Steve as the brunette looked through the binoculars, he had been assigned the duty of spotting any evil Russians; which was difficult seeing as he didn't know what to look for.

His irritation caused his lips to turn downwards, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared. Not noticing Arlo's intense stare.

Arlo could confidently say the boy looked pretty, he always did but something was different today. He looked prettier than normal. He seemed to have a certain glow about him.

Unfortunately, Arlo couldn't look for longer seeing as Steve spoke up. Causing Arlo to snap out of his longing gaze.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."

"What?" Dustin spoke up, instantly intrigued.

"Anna Jacobi's talking with that meathead Mark Lewinsky." Steve stared, his eyes never moving off the flirting duo. "What ever happened to standards? Lewinksy never even came off the bench!"

It was then that Arlo sighed, grabbing ahold of the binoculars as he did so.

He didn't care about Mark or Anna, but he wanted Steve to stop talking as if he was jealous of them. Which is why he had grabbed the binoculars.

He then placed them to his own eyes, staring at the duo from afar. Unaware that Steve's cheeks were now tinted a light pink.

The binocular strap had still remained around the Harrington boy's neck, meaning when Arlo had taken them. He had tugged Steve closer to him as well, the boy being only a few inches away now.

Steve wasn't sure why the sudden burning feeling erupted in his stomach, he didn't think much of it. Far too busy staring at Arlo's side profile.

A few freckles sat upon Arlo's tanned cheeks, he had a few light purple bruises along his jaw. His hair had just recently dried, the smell of vanilla and cinnamon shampoo suddenly becoming more evident to Steve.

LOUD AND CLEAR. steve harrington Where stories live. Discover now