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shirtless Calum is life...just saying

(Emma's pov.)

after pranking Ashton...

''hey uh im gonna go to the store who wants to come?'' Ashton asks but the only one that wants to go with him is Michael ''Emma?'' ''just cause im your girlfriend doesn't mean i have to go'' i giggle ''ok  then Calum?'' ''no! not Calum'' i say hugging him ''what if someone comes to murder me?! i need a man here...wait oops never mind they won't be a man here after you two leave'' ''hey! i am manly!'' ''says the guy with no arm hair or any hair? just ur head...and nose'' i giggle ''your lucky i love you'' he gave me a hug ''well see ya babe'' ''oh i want to do that...see ya babe'' Michael winked.

after they left i sat on the couch and watched tv eventually Calum came and sat next to me.

''sup Cal-pal'' ''sup Em-pal?'' ''that would be smash to you'' ''oh right makes sense now since you know u are Ash-'' ''calum i get it'' i giggled as he put his arm around me and  put my head on his shoulder.

''you are so different when u are with the boys and so nice and different when u are with me'' ''cause i told u....i promised myself i wouldn't leave you or hurt u'' ''and i told u that sometimes u got to brake the promises u make'' ''hey! just cause luke broke them doesn't mean everyone-'' he stopped and looked at me ''you miss luke'' ''of course i do'' ''you have the neck lass on'' ''yeah cause you gave it to me'' ''i bought it but Luke saw it and he wanted to buy it but decided not to so  i did it for him'' ''oh uh thanks?'' ''why u hiding it?'' ''cause it remembers me of that day and the past when u guys came when Niall was still here i love it cause it's beautiful but i just can't idk i just ugh nvm''.

he hugged me ''it's gonna be okay'' i hugged back and started to cry ''oh come on now don't cry'' i couldn't stop.

i finally did ''i miss Niall and Luke'' ''i know i miss them too but it's not our fault''.after a while i kept watching tv and Calum started texting someone probably a girl i guess.

''who u texting...a girl?'' he laughed ''well yes i sister'' he laughed ''oh come on isn't there a girl u are interested in any girl will be Lucky to have u'' ''well -'' ''OMG so there is a girl!'' ''it's not important'' ''yes sir it it! have you ask her out before?!'' ''no'' he laughed ''don't laugh! who is she have i met her?'' ''yup'' ''OMG IT'S SELENA!'' ''never'' he laughed ''but then who?'' ''not important''.

i was so curious i couldn't get out off my head ''Calum?'' ''not important'' ''u don't know what i was gonna ask'' ''ok fine ask away'' ''can i know her name'' he laughed ''not important'' ''why?!'' ''cause she is taken'' ''ohhhh but maybe she prefers you'' ''believe me she won't'' ''oh really want to test it?'' ''yup''




he kissed me.




''u kissed me'' ''i know'' ''Calum i don't got time for this just tell me who is that special girl that-'' ''it's u!'' ''huh?''.

''i told u she prefers her boyfriend'' ''so that's why u are like that with me'' ''yeah pretty much but it's ok i like being friends so it's all good'' ''okay but remember u can't kiss ME AGAIN CAUSE ASHTON CAME!" i say louder that last part cause Ashton walked in the room.

"u again cause ashton came what?'' ''i was  being crazy so being crazy again cause ashton came'' ''that has no sense'' ''Ashton if u were me u would get it or if u were Emma u would have get it even more cause even im a little confused''.....

I fell in love with my best friend //Luke hemmings//Where stories live. Discover now