Done? ..Not yet

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Ian pov:

"Ink you have alot to explain " my multiverse dream said I was still hanging in error strings my hands were free but glow was out of my reach I crossed my arms and turned my face away from dream "hmph" I made an angry childish sound "young man don't you dare turn you face away from me"dream said like an angry mom dealing with a spoiled child

 I look at him "I am way older than you " I said I am not in the mood to act childishly anymore so i give him a forwn then I looked at my error "put me down error " I said calmly but my annoyance was clear in my tone "nO" error said I was too annoyed now so I opened my inventory ignoring my dream I got my vials stash out my inventory I kept them for sticky situations even so I never really use them 

3rd pov:

Ian  multiverse error looked surprised to see the stash the vials that once represented ink emotions and so did dream from Ian multiverse they didn't see them long enough to believe that ink or Ian now had got rid of them

 without a warning Ian drank the red vail a gasp came from dream he towards his other self and ink "run" dream told them 

Meanwhile with Ian he felt himself boil latterly  from the inside the vail indeed made him even more furious than before quickly the paint all over the place that he used before gathered in one big paint ball instead of turning into a hand like last time it divide into equal tennis ball size that then turned into black sharp bone attack there were thousands of bones that went flying towards ink some of this bone cut the strings holding Ian so he quickly cut the strings holding glow and went to attack he was fast enough not to give anyone a chance to react and he got glow and turned into a ink pile to move faster and cut other dream and ink way he managed to catch up with them or better say cut there way he didn't waste time and attacked at once but this time instead of ink getting the hit ink multiverse dream formed a magical  shield to protect himself and ink the other finally catch up with them as Ian was attacking the shield it won't last long until the shield broke since the negativity is too high for both  dreams 

Ian multiverse error tried (the key word tried ) to catch Ian or his multiverse Ink in his strings again but Ian draw his blaster and fired at the strings before it reaches him soon the twins from Ian multiverse joined to try and hold Ian also dream helped the other him by making his own shield around them while nightmare tried to get a hold on inks using his tendrils  but ink kept dodging  and attacking the shield 'That's bad' dream thought to himself he can't hold for too long 

Multiple blasters charging sound cut his thought apparently the sanses of the multiverse are getting ready to attack Ian  as well as the other nightmare and error 

*time skip*

They fought for two hours straight Ian was too fast and strong that's for sure he managed to break both dreams shields but he was so busy dodging he got annoyed to tell point he attack anyone in his way he was still targeting ink the most he did managed to land a hit but ink was pulled away by one of the errors strings Ian was growing tired after all he  over used his magic for the first time ever since will ever the good thing was glow was designed for long battle but fighting a whole multiverse worth of skeleton plus two destroyers ,four guardians he had to dodge a skele-Ton of attacks mostly blasters,  bones,strings at some point ian's dream started shooting his arrows to try and pin ink it didn't succeed 

But sadly Ian won't be able to hold longer the vail effect already running out not to mention he is getting exhausted both magically and physically he got slower and they realize that so they increased the attacking ratio Ian grow more tired he lost focus for a sec and didn't notice the blaster charged behind him when he did it was late as it fire at him he closed his eyes ready to get hurt but nothing happened when he opened his eyes he saw a wall of bones infront of him "that was a close one" someone said as he turned his attention to him 

It was blue not this multiverse but the other Ian multiverse blue 'right the portal still opened ' Ian talked to himself the vail effect ran out so he somehow feeling empty?  But he has a soul he let the thought slips from his mind for now he was magically and physically exhausted it didn't go unnoticed by the guardians and the destroyers they made every one calm down and unsummon there attacks Ian just give his dream an empty stare before falling face fist to the floor 

(From now Ian multiverse who are talking the other multiverse will be called ot'name' cause I am tired of writing other )

Dream and blue rushed to see him after he fall to find out he passed out because exhaustion "that was .....something " dream said after all ink had the ability to outstand the whole multiverse and the outcodes but he didn't do damage to any well yes the used purple paint to pin some of the ones attacking him but he never did damage to anyone except his other self "wHat ArE yOU gOiNg tO D-do wiTh  ThiS " error asked

"Well get rid of it" dream answer error "what happened anyway " blue asked he was confused about everything " I will let you know later now let's just take ink somewhere else "  dream said as he carried ink / Ian 

* Meanwhile * 

"I don't get paid enough for this s---" nightmare said as ot!nightmare looked at him "do you even get paid ?" He said they both made eye contact "exactly I don't " they both smiled "hey seems like your multiverse is s--- come and stay in my multiverse it's peaceful most the time "nightmare said offering his other self both aware of the gang that will come too "I don't think it's a bad idea but error, violit and blue included  "  ot!nightmare said "sure might make the idiot upgrade my castle " nightmare said ot!nightmare look taken back by that "I understand that you have peace but ink ? Really? I mean i saw how mad he was with his other self but ..." ot!nightmare  "well now I understand why he was mad my version of ink actually is a close friend with killer they both are pranksters " nightmare said he mumbled the last part but ya he was done with this shit so now this version of nightmare and his gang +error , vio and blue to Ian multiverse 


And nicely done 

So now the other multiverse will join the chaos also comment nicknames for them cause my brain hurt from thinking  

Also sorry for the short chapter I tried ok but hey I updated three stories in one month 7 days range two in one day so don't blame me I tried my best

Welp see ya next time bye moonlights 

reborn as ink sans but in Fgod auWhere stories live. Discover now