Chapter 10 Dragon Venom

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"Ah! W-where am I?" Elvis looked around. He was in a pitch black room with swirls of colourful lights dancing around. "Elvis," he heard Gladys' voice whisper. "M-Mama?" Elvis asked, "Have I died?" "You will," his mother's voice said. He was hearing voices but he couldn't see anyone. "Love me tender, love me sweet...Never let me go...You have made my life complete...And now yours will end," He heard Rose's voice slurring creepily. He heard Ash crying and people laughing. All the noises stopped when he saw...Ratchet! "Ratchet? What are you doing here?" Elvis asked. Ratchet said, "du wirst hier zugrunde gehen," which is German for "you will perish here." When Ratchet said this Elvis heard Rose scream and a gun went off. 

"AAH!" Elvis woke up and hit his head on the ceiling. Rose was sitting at his left side and Ash was to his right. "Are you okay?" Ash asked. "You looked like you were having a really bad dream," Rose said. Elvis was breathing heavily, "Where are we?" "We're in the vents," Rose explained, "This was the only exit from the other room...After a while you got tired and fell asleep so we thought we would just let you get some rest." "Some rest," Elvis said, sarcastically. "We gotta keep going," Ash said, "We're almost there...I can feel it!" She led them out of the vents. A man in a white lab coat was standing there, waiting for them.

"Who are you?" Rose asked. "That's classified," The man said. He was loading a little gun. "P-please d-don't hurt us," Elvis said. The man pointed the gun at him. Elvis backed up and held Rose's hand. "Clinging to your woman? HA! You pathetic little wimp," the man laughed, as he shot Elvis with a dragon venom dart. "AAH!" Elvis fell to the ground. "NO! ELVIS!" Rose screamed. The man thought that it was going to kill Elvis. He laughed as he disappeared mysteriously. "Elvis...are you okay?" Ash asked, stooping down to wake him up. He opened his eyes and they became like a dragon's eyes, as he rose up into the air and spread out his new dragon wings. "UGH!" He grunted as his sharp fangs came out. "WOAH!" Rose was amazed. They thought dragon venom would kill him, but it actually made him part dragon! Smoke came out of his nostrils as he descended to the ground. He was now a man with retractable dragon wings. He looked awesome!

The queen had been watching through a camera. "Uh-oh," she said, "Now he's stronger! This can't be happening!" The man in the lad coat that had shot Elvis was sitting next to her. "What have you done, you jerk?" She glared at him. "I was only doing what you told me to do, your majesty," he replied. "You must make sure that he dies," She said, going into the lab. "How?" He followed her. "With this," she pulled out a huge needle and filled it with a purple liquid. "You shoot the tall lady with this, and she will become a mindless killing machine!" She was talking about Rose. "Elvis won't wanna defend himself against her with his new dragon powers," She chuckled, "He loves her too much. That idiot would probably be willing to let her kill him!" She handed the needle to him. "I won't let you down, your majesty," he promised. 

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