18: Insignificant Ant

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Chapter 18: Insignificant Ant


He had returned from his hero patrol and fallen asleep, but he was certain he was awake right now.

Yet it was dark.

He couldn't open his eyes. Neither could he speak, and neither did Mut say anything about the situation.

Could it be, perhaps, all that—going to Marvel and living a week—had been a dream? Was this the void? Or was this a side-effect of his mutant power?

Both of those possibilities ended as a voice rang in Enrique's head. It was feminine, but it didn't belong to Mut.

~"Ekke siåmou?"~

He knew about six languages, French, English, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish and Mandarin. But he couldn't decipher what language that voice originated from.

The voice rang again,

~"Can you understand me now?"~

He could. It still didn't sound very humane, but he could understand it.

~"Good."~ the voice said, as if reading his mind. ~"Only the surface thoughts. A very peculiar being you are, indeed."~

Surface thoughts. Enrique groaned but made a note to be careful about what he openly thought.

'I'll be taking that as a compliment, but who am I speaking to?' Enrique asked carefully.

~"The Great Weaver."~ the voice said softly. ~"Your Goddess should know better."~

'Alright,' Enrique hid his surprise. He remembered her name, but couldn't point out who she was exactly. He refrained from thinking about that subject. 'What can I help you with?'

~"You can't help me,"~ the being said. ~"Let your goddess come."~

Enrique frowned. Then why bring him here? 'And how can I call for my Goddess?'

["You don't have to do anything, I am here,"] it was then as Mut's voice entered the darkness. ["Nice to meet you, O' Great Weaver."] she said in a tone that Enrique swore was sarcastic. ["It alone was bothersome that you were gazing down on my lovely avatar, but you also happened to kidnap his consciousness?"]

Ah. So this being was the gaze he felt with Spider-Man?

~"Simply a warning,"~ the other voice replied. ~"You were playing with my Avatar, Spider-Man, so I thought I will get back at you for a bit. Quite brazen of you to convert him to your religion, though."~

Oh. Shit. Right, Peter was the avatar of some multiversal spider. That's the Great Weaver.

["Is that so? I am afraid I didn't know that."] Mut said softly, but Enrique felt as if she was lying.

~"I hope you didn't, if not I might misunderstand and obliterate your Avatar on a whim."~ the feminine voice said in gentle and calmness.

Enrique couldn't feel his body, but he still felt his throat becoming dry. Shit. He almost forgot what sort of verse Marvel was. Beings he wasn't even aware of could obliterate him without him ever knowing why.

Mut sighed. ["Stop, you will scare him. I actually did know and did this anyway. In compensation, Spider-Man can keep the suit even if he stops worshipping me. That sounds fair?"] the other being hummed in response. ["As for why I did this— well, honestly I just wanted to meet, it's been a while hasn't it?"]

~"Don't waste my time."~

Mut laughed. ["Learn to take a joke, you are too old and humourless. But right, in truth, I wanted to know when my husband will be freed."]

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