Ch 625: To Do With Him

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--A day later--

The next day, Lin Ye was resting in the back of a car. He was now on his way to Laterano. The road that they took to go to Laterano was a bit rocky but it seemed that his driver was an expert. Lin Ye did not really care. Laterano was not that far from where the Landship was.

Lin Ye sat in the middle of the row. On his right was Nian who was writing something on a notepad while on his left sat his old roommate, Ansel, who was staring out his window. The person who sat in front was the other people that were assigned to protect him.

The leader of the group, Steward, was the one driving. He had a fox-like body, his ears and tail are the most noticeable. It also surprised him that he was a caster. The person who was sitting in the shotgun seat was a Sankta named Adnachiel. Lin Ye was not ashamed to say that he had a hard time saying his name. The angel was assigned to be his guide, seeing that he was from that city. He also noticed that the halo above his head was crooked to the side. Although he was curious about why this was the case, Lin Ye kept that question for another day.

There was also another one that he will meet later in Laterano. An elite Operator that Kal'tsit assigned to him. Lin Ye did not know who this person was but he trusted Kal'tsit's decision. However, if Lin Ye had to choose, he wanted Ace to come along with him. Since Lungmen, he really did not talk with him. That was understandable, he was an elite operator so seeing him on the Landship was rare, plus, Lin Ye was busier than ever now.

Lin Ye really wanted to talk with a friend though.


Talking about friends, Lin Ye's mind drifted to a certain person that he met prior to him riding this vehicle.

Before he was riding this car to Laterano, he got to meet Yelena before she left the Landship. Rhodes Island gave her a group of bodyguards that will accompany her back to Sokk. At first, she did not want that, but after Lin Ye persuaded her, Yelena finally gave in.

They met in the departure area of the Landship. Coincidently, they were both about to leave. Lin Ye and Yelena did not say much, but it was enough for them.

He smiled at those simple interactions that he had with her.

However, his daydreaming was cut short, and a notepad appeared in front of his face. Lin Ye glanced to his side to see Nian, smiling at him. Her eyes twinkled as they pierced into his being. Lin Ye raised a brow at her.

The reaction that he got from her, was Nian nudging her head to the notepad in his face.

Although confused, Lin Ye took it from her hand and looked at it.

"So... What's this?" With his eyes still on it, Lin Ye asked her.

Nian sank back into her seat and smirked at him.

"My new draft of my movie!" Puffing out her chest, Nian exclaimed proudly at him, "I want to hear your opinion on it."

Rather than asking more about this sudden request, Lin Ye entertained her and read through the notepad. With each page he flipped through, Lin Ye was dead silent. This made the once-confident dragon a bit nervous now.

After what Nian felt like an eternity, Lin Ye closed the notes and glanced back at her. Smiling at her, Lin Ye gave back her notes. Nian took it.

"So..." Tightening her hold on her note, Nian nervously drawled out, "How was it?"

Nian knew she was overreacting by nervously waiting for his opinion however she did not care. He was her Gege. Nian did not want to make something he did not like. So hearing Lin Ye's opinion was a very big deal to her.

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