Yung Gravy: Desire

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Summary: The two of you let the rest of the day go by after his concert


You stand at the edge of the stage and watch with a huge smile as your boyfriend bounces across the stage.

His fans loudly shout along with the lyrics to his songs. You love to see Gravy happy.

Gravy, of course, knows exactly where you are standing and throws you longing looks every now and then.

The concert comes to an end and Gravy says goodbye to his fans.

"Thank you guys for coming. See you next time." He waves to them.

Thunderous applause sounds. Gravy bows once more and turns in your direction.

An even bigger smile than he already has creeps onto his lips. He walks toward you. His arms outstretched.

You spread your arms, too. Ready for the embrace.

"Babe I missed you so much." Gravy mumbles into your hair when he finally reaches you. His arms are tight around your hips.

You put your arms around his torso and run your hands over his back.

"It's only been two hours. Besides, I was standing here the whole time. You saw me." You smile. Gravy lifts his head from your shoulder.

He leans down to you. "Yes. But that was way too long." He presses an eagerly awaited kiss to your lips. His hands leave your hips and find their place on your cheeks.

His thumbs run along your cheekbones as he pulls away from you.

He looks into your eyes. And for a very, very long time. You say nothing at first and just look him in the eyes.

Then you ask him: "Honey, do you want to go out and eat something?"

He doesn't respond and continues to stare into your eyes. You lift your hands from Gravy's back and place them on his hands that are still resting on your cheeks.

As you touch his hands, he stops staring and looks at you questioningly. "Mmm?"

"I asked you if you wanted to go out for dinner?"

He lets go of your face and runs his hands through his hair. "Yeah, sure." He reaches for your hand and takes it in his.

"I was just so distracted by your beautiful eyes." He says as he looks straight ahead. You blush slightly.

You raise your free hand and lightly slap his shoulder. "Stop saying that."

He looks at you with a proud smile. "That's the truth."

You say nothing. You've never been so good at compliments.

You reach a door. Gravy opens it for you. "Here, babe." With one hand he holds the door open for you, with the other he holds your hand.

"Thank you," you say and enter the room. On one side there is a long table with different food. On the opposite side are two tables with chairs all around.

You walk to the table with the food. You decide on pasta with tomato sauce. You are about to scoop the noodles onto a plate when Gravy gently takes it out of your hand.

"Go ahead and sit down. I'll do it." "You don't have to do everything for me. I can do it myself." You say. Gavy shakes his head. "I'll do it."

You know you can't put the idea out of his mind, so you sit down at one of the tables. You watch Gravy fill your plate with pasta and sauce, then his. Then he takes one in each hand and balances them to the table where you are sitting.

He sets it down in front of you. "Thanks honey." "Anything for you babe." He turns around to get cutlery for you. He hands that to you as well.

He drops down across from you. His leg touches yours.

"I liked how everyone knew your lyrics. I love it when everyone, really everyone, sings along. It always makes such a beautiful chorus." You say and start to eat.

"Yes, that's what I love about it. It's such a nice feeling. Everybody is there for you. Because they like your music. It's just amazing." He says while looking at his plate.

When he looks back up at you, he starts laughing out loud. You love the sound of his laugh and join in. "What is it?" You ask him.

"You have tomato sauce hanging there." He points to the place where you have it. You try to remove it with your index finger.

"Let me help you." Gravy rises slightly from his seat and leans over the table. His thumb passes over the corner of your mouth.

"Thank you." "I don't know why I did that now. You haven't even finished eating yet."

"Then you'll have to clean it up for me later. And I'll do it for you." "That's what I'm asking."

After dinner you decide to go to the hotel and end the day with a movie.

You enter your hotel room. You sit down on your bed. "Babe, you go and take a shower. I'll get everything ready for the movie."

Gravy gets wide-eyed. "Don't you want to come in the shower?"

"I'll shower after you." He makes his puppy-dog eyes that you can't resist. He comes up to you and takes your hands. He pulls you up by them.

"Come on. You want to take a shower too. This way we can save water."

"All right. But only because we can save water." You smile.

(I don't go into more detail about showering together. You can figure out for yourselves what to do with Gravy in the shower.)

After the refreshing shower, you stand in front of the sink and brush your teeth. Gravy has left the bathroom to put on new clothes.

Through the mirror you see Gravy entering the bathroom. He is wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants. You are wearing only one of his shirts, which are much too big for you.

Gravy says nothing but puts his arms around you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder.

"Honey, we can cuddle right away. The faster you get ready now, the faster and longer we can cuddle then."

He exhales loudly, but lets you go with a "Alright".

Since you've started earlier than him, you're also ready sooner. You already have everything ready for the movie. That means you close the curtains and turn on the movie.

Then you lie down in bed and wait. To pass the time, you reach for your phone.

"So finally ready." It sounds softly from the bathroom. You put your phone away. Gravy comes running out of the bathroom and slams down on the bed.

You have a stern look on it. "What if the bed had broken now?" "But it hasn't. Now come here. I need my promised hugs." He says and slides to you.

"Then come here." You lightly slap your chest. Gravy doesn't ask twice and puts his head on your breasts. To make himself as comfortable as possible he moves his head back and forth until he finds the perfect place. He wraps his arms around your belly.

"Are you comfortable too?" You ask. As an answer he nods. "Good, then I'll start the movie now." You reach for the remote control lying next to you and start the movie. Then you put it aside again.

You put one of your hands on Gravy's back and run it along. With the other one you run through his hair.

He purrs. He loves it when you run through his hair.

"I love you Y/N." Says Gravy and gives you a kiss on the chest. "I love you too."

You first give him a kiss on the forehead then you lean forward a little more to his lips and give him a loving kiss.

After a short time you notice that Gravy is breathing evenly. You lay your head so that you can see his face. He has fallen asleep.

You continue to run your fingers through his hair for a short time. Then you stop. You turn off the TV and try to sleep with Gravy in your arms. You are looking forward to tomorrow because Gravy has a day off tomorrow and wants to spend it with you.

Then it goes to the next cities for more concerts.

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