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Man I said the wrong thing at the wrong time. I shouldn't have said anything about their hands and just let them be.

Noah sweat drops finally realising what he did.

Who am I? Where am I? No-scratch that. Why am I here? Better question- Why tf do I exist?

Frost questions her existence and Neo just stares at his dumb father and friend.

The two humans are snapped out of their trance when Frost's phone rings suddenly. She immediately picks it up and starts leaving.


Is the last thing that can be heard from her before she disappears out of sight.

"Now she knows why I call her dumb..." Neo mumbles which Noah catches just in time.
(After some time)

Noah plays with the last bite of cake as he is lost in thoughts.

"Master, please take you medication"

Li comes over with the medicines which Noah takes.

"Thank you, Li."

"It's my pleasure, sir"

"Do you think the cake was enough? He still didn't look very happy when he left...."

"Sir, to be honest, I haven't seen young master Neo ever happy. Unless it's with Frost that is"

I guess she really was as important and precious to him as he said she was.

Noah thinks but doesn't forget about Li.

"Oh I see..... What should I do? That kid is so hard to please....."

"He's at a difficult age. Try spending more time getting to know him"

Li suggest as Noah puts his glass down.

"I guess....."

Honestly, I'm not frustrated with Neo. I'm frustrated with myself.
I only have myself to blame for this.

Noah thinks starting to get frustrated.

"On a different nite, sir, how is your PCA doing? Do you want me to schedule for Dr. Essevia to come over sometime?"

Li asks, picking up the plate.

"It's fine, I think it's still good for now"

Too good, in fact. Six years into the Armageddon the choker was working just fine aside from the voice function

The raven recalls.

"Are you sure sir? Its been a few months since the last checkup"

"Yeah I'm sure it will be fine"

If tomorrow is the apocalypse then what's the point?

The man questions himself.

"Besides I have more things to do. Like spending time with my son, right?"

(Later that night)

Neo is sitting on his bed, facing the window as he stares at the box in his hand. Given by his 'father' earlier that day. Suddenly there is knocking on the boy's door as he turns around.

Did Frost forget something?

He questions. But drops the box on his bed and goes to open the door anyway.


Noah greets awkwardly as his son stares at him.

".... Its night"

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