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Winter PoV

The mountainside was covered in dragons, just like it had been on the first time Winter had come. Back then he had been accompanied by his sister, Icicle, as they came from their old home in the Ice Kingdom. Then he had been so annoyed that Queen Glacier would send him here, tearing him away from his only way to attempt to climb up the rankings.

But then he met them. The other dragons in the Jade Winglet, Turtle, Umber, Kinkajou, Moon, and Qibli. Carnelian, the SkyWing of the group, had died before Winter had spent much time with her, but now Peril had taken her place. Umber was no longer at the school either, because he fled with Sora shortly before Winter had left to save his brother, Hailstorm. However, Kinkajou, Moon, Turtle, and Qibli were still at school and were Winter's closest friends. That's right, Winter told himself firmly. We're just friends. But he couldn't keep his heart from bouncing joyfully. Just in there! So close! his heart chirped. Sighing, Winter walked briskly into the entrance cave.

"Welcome back, Winter!" Fatespeaker, who been assigned to the post of welcoming students once again, chirped cheerfully. "This time I know for SURE that you're going to like your clawmates!" she winked at him before adding in a dramatic voice, "I saw it... in a VISION." Winter snorted. He wondered who his clawmates were, but then he realized who he must have been put with. Holding back his excitement, he entered his cave to find that he was right. Qibli looked up from the scroll he had been reading and smiled at Winter. His heart jumped happily, and he quickly tried to tamp down on his emotions, hoping his face hadn't let something through. Or maybe it would be easier if something did slip through. a voice said suddenly in Winter's head.

"I knew you'd come," Qibli said, grinning. Lost as for something he could retort with, Winter changed the subject.

"Are we in the Jade Winglet again?" he asked.

"Nope, this time we're in the Silver Winglet." Qibli replied. "An IceWing named Snowfox is in the Jade Winglet. I guess Tsunami decided it would be a good idea to split us up into different Winglets so we'd be less likely to cause trouble. Moon, Kinkajou, Turtle, and Peril are in the Jade Winglet together, which leads me to believe that the founders think we're the main ones getting into trouble."

"I can't blame them for thinking that, knowing you," Winter replied. Qibli barked a laugh.

"I guess this time I can lead new innocent dragonets into danger," Qibli joked. Winter couldn't restrain the laughter bubbling up inside of him. "Ha ha! I knew I could get you to laugh eventually!" Winter swatted at the SandWing with one of his wings, but Qibli dodged aside, also laughing.

"Who else is in the Silver Winglet?" Winter asked once he was able to contain his laughter.

Before Qibli could answer, Winter heard talonsteps behind him and turned around as an especially annoyed-looking SkyWing stormed in. He had a long scar across his face and deep red scales. Without so much as looking at the other dragonets, the SkyWing stormed over to the stone shelf closest to the entrance.

"Um," Qibli said awkwardly, breaking the spell of silence. "Hi? Er, I'm Qibli and this is -"

"I don't care who you're boyfriend is, just be quiet." the red dragonet snapped. Winter felt his face grow hot, but something jumped happily in his chest again. What is wrong with you? Winter asked himself with a mental growl. Qibli shifted uncomfortably. Winter stood up and took a scroll over to the stone ledge across from the fuming SkyWing. He wasn't really reading it, just staring at it to keep the act as the tried to untangle his emotions.

"Psst," Qibli hissed. Winter looked up from his scroll and over at the SandWing, who pulled out two small slates and two little charcoal sticks, passing one of each to him.

"What -" Winter started, but was cut off by a growl from the SkyWing, and Qibli urgently gestured for him to be quiet, glancing at the red dragon. Winter watched as Qibli shifted his wing to hide the slate in his talons and scribbled something on it. To Winter's surprise, words began forming on his slate as Qibli wrote.

I guess that's Flame, the SkyWing. the note said. Winter looked up at Qibli, shocked and confused, and the SandWing nodded his head at Winter's slate.

Yeah. Winter wrote, shifting his wing like Qibli had done. What the moons is this?

It's copies of the messaging slate Turtle made. Qibli wrote back. He changed the spell so we can both write and read on the same slate. Then he used his bowl to duplicate it so we each had one, so now if we need to communicate over long distances, we can.

Wait. Winter wrote frantically. Does that mean that what we're writing right now is also appearing on Moon, Turtle, and Kinkajou's slates?

It is. someone else wrote. This handwriting was much loopier than Qibli's. Winter exchanged a glance with the SandWing before looking back down at the slate. He couldn't help feeling disappointed that everyone else could read their conversation. It's better off this way, Winter told himself, shoving away the ache in his chest.  

Hi Turtle. Qibli wrote.

Hi Qibli, hi Winter. Turtle wrote. Moon and Kinkajou are asleep; we share a cave by the way. I just saw this before going to sleep myself, actually. Winter looked out into the hallway, surprised to see that it was growing dark.

You don't have to stay up if you don't want to. Winter told him. He wasn't quite sure why, but he sort of hoped that Turtle would choose to go to sleep.

Yeah, true. Turtle wrote. After all, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow. There was a pause, then Turtle added, You should go to sleep to. Winter sighed.

Yeah, okay. Qibli wrote. Night Turtle.

Night. Turtle replied.

Goodnight Winter. Qibli wrote.

Goodnight Qibli. Winter wrote, carefully making sure he didn't say too much. He looked up and met the SandWing's gaze before, smiling, they both curled up and went to sleep.

Hey y'all, hope that wasn't too bad. Not much has happened yet, but bear with me. Let me know if there are any spelling or grammar errors.

1062 words. (or do i include these, which is now 1073?)


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