Classes and Chaos

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Qibli PoV

Qibli stretched, spreading his wings until they brushed the stone ceiling. He looked around, figuring out where his clawmates were in their day. The scarred SkyWing was still hunched on his stone ledge, snoring quietly. Winter, however, was wide awake and sitting up on his ledge, watching Qibli. When Qibli looked over, the IceWing blushed and dropped his gaze. Qibli stood up and walked the few steps between their ledges, stopping beside Winter.

"Hey," he whispered trying to not awaken the rude SkyWing, brushing Winter's wing with his own. 

"Good morning," Winter replied, not meeting his gaze, still blushing. Ooh, this is getting interesting already. The question is, is that an embarrassed blush or a crushing blush? Then he reasoned that Winter was still pressing his wing against Qibli's, and guessed the latter. Does that mean...

"C'mon," Qibli whispered, cutting off his own thoughts before he got too distracted. "We're going to meet the rest of our Winglet today. Maybe we can get there before Flame." Winter glanced at the snoring SkyWing, then nodded, finally meeting Qibli's gaze. Before Qibli could read his expression, Winter nodded toward the door.

"You lead," the IceWing murmured. "I don't know where we're supposed to be going."

"We're assigned with Sunny this time," Qibli told him as they walked though the busying hallways.

"Where are we going?" Winter asked, glancing around the hallway. 

"We have a bit before we have to be at class, so I figured we could go flying." Qibli told him.

"Why?" Winter asked. There was something in his tone, but Qibli couldn't quite figure out what it was. Tiredness? Suspicion?

"Just because," Qibli replied. "It's kind of nice to just have a fly right early in the morning." He continued down the hallway and into the entrance cave. The sun was just poking up from behind the horizon, painting the sky with a warm orange with streaks of pink. They both paused in the entrance, taking in the sight. Suddenly three gongs echoed down the halls. Beside Qibli, Winter jumped. Qibli looked up at his frightened expression, and Winter lowered his gaze, clearly embarrassed. Before Qibli could ask him, students began bustling through the hallways to their first class. Mentally making a note to ask Winter about his strange behavior later, Qibli led the way to the cave where Sunny would be waiting. He hurried along the twisting hallways. Which cave was Sunny going to teach in? Qibli wondered, trying to remember what his schedule had said.

"Oh camel farts," Qibli breathed, skidding to a halt. Winter tripped over Qibli's tail and fell on top of Qibli.

"Oof," Winter gasped. Looking awkward and about a million other things, Winter stood up.

"The class' cave is on the side of the school by the music cave," Qibli told him, jumping to his feet. Twisting to run in the opposite direction, the second warning gong rolled through the hall.

Qibli burst into the cave just as the last warning gong faded, Winter on his heels.

"Hello," Sunny said. "You're late. What kept you?" she wasn't accusing them, instead she sounded sincerely interested.

"Sorry," Qibli panted. "Got lost."

"Hmm," Sunny said, not rudely. "Alright, but try not to do it again. You're lucky you've got me this time instead of Tsunami, otherwise you might've had a detention on your first day."

"We weren't that late," Winter protested.

"Anyway," Sunny said, turning to the other dragonets, who were already sitting in a circle around the little SandWing. On her left sat a green SeaWing, who looked similar to Turtle - attitude and all - and on his left sat a quiet MudWing. On her other side sat Flame; the SkyWing who shared Winter and Qibli's cave, beside him a slow RainWing sat facing Sunny with a faintly interested expression. Beside RainWing was a NightWing who seemed to be bursting with energy. Qibli quickly scurried into the cave and sat down beside the NightWing, Winter between him and Sunny.

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