Growing Up...Again P.1

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At age 2 Vivian got her memories from her past life including meeting Hades and Thanatos. It was then she figured out she was reborn into the Vampire diaries as an original character. At three she learned to speak so others could semi understand her which is how she told her Grams about being reborn and what not, now she didnt go into deatil but just enough so her Grams could see she wasn't joking. Sheila was shocked but now understood how Vivian had so much power and was now even more protective of her which she loved seeing as she didn't get much love from her parents since it all went to Bonnie

Vivian wasn't angry about being neglected knowing Abby wouldn't be in her or her half sisters lives for long and Bonnie's Dad was rarely ever home. Yes Vivian knows that Rudy isn't her biological father. Now Abby or Sheila didn't tell her she just knew, she felt no bond to him like she did Abby even though that bond is barely there anymore. Now until the age of five was hard for Vivian, she felt sad most days being all alone with no one around her. The only time she was truly happy was when she was with or around her Grams.

Age five she met her bio father and that was also the year Abby left but that wasn't as important to Vivian since she already knew it was coming the only ones that were really affected were Bonnie and Rudy, sure Sheila was upset but she knew her daughter did it for a good reason even if it meant leaving her kid and losing her magic. Anyways the meeting between her and her bio dad went like this


Five year old Vivian sat in the sand box at the local park her Grams took her and her half sister to when she felt a sudden tingle. Tilting her head confused she looked down to see a bright blue string type thing coming from her chest and leading off somewhere. Looking to where the string lead she got up and followed it curiously. The string lead to her to a male who was in his early thirties sitting on the park bench reading a book.

Stopping infront of this unknown male she saw how the string connected them together. Poking the string she watched as the male shivered before putting his book down and looking around confused before spotting five year old Vivian. He looked at her confused before gasping slightly "Pup" He asked quietly in disbelief, Vivian didn't say anything she just looked at him before raising her arms up hinting that she wanted to be picked up

Hesitately the man picked her up and placed her on his lap before he continued reading now reading to her, soon Sheila noticed her granddaughter missing and started calling out for her. The male that was reading to Vivian looked down at her "I'm guessing thats you huh" He questioned tickling her making her giggle before she nodded. "Alright then off you go" He said picking her up and setting her on the floor again it was then she spoke to him since the first time they met "Will I see you again" She muttered looking at him

Born as a Bennett《SLOW UPDATES/PAUSED 》Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora